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I really need help, Herbert come back!

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Love herbert

:( I really need help this time. I am 23 yesrs old, and my BF is 25, we know each other through the internet. It is a long distance love.We have already kept relationship for 10 months. He treat me very well. he cares for me, call me every day.

But I often lose temper on him, sometimes, I am angry with my colleague or my friends, I will lose temper on him also. We are keep fighting for 3 months. He tell me he is weak, He need somet time to think about our realtionship. But now i realizsed that I really love him, I can't leave him, I shouldn't lose temper on him all the time. so I told him that please give me a chance. but he said that he have already gave me a lot of chances. He can't believe me that I will change.

I really sad. I really want to change, I care for him very much, I want him to be happy. he has aleady lived in my heart.

Right now, i feel helpless, who can help me? I am really sad. I love him really!

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Try explaining the situation to him again. Writing to him might be a good idea then you can explain how you feel properly, also then your giving him time to think.


I take it you lose your temper with him because of the distance?



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Love herbert

Thank you Winne:

You know I feel stress, Not because the distance, sometimes, I am mad at my colleague, or something else, I still lose temper on him. I know it is my fault.

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Have you tried explaining that you lose your temper with him because like they say you treat the ones you love the worst.


I suppose you will have to try and relax a bit more and keep your temper under control. Try not to let things getto you.



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