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is it too much too ask?

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I am a mother of a 2yr been with my boyfriend for 4 years and stay at home. Seems like the last six months I haven't really been in the mood. I feel like when it comes to the bedroom activities, it's no foreplay, do it, and 15 min later, go to bed. It's been worse these last couple of months. He just thinks that if he's a little googly nice while we're in bed, he can get a little and then he's fine for a week & 1/2 or 2. I get nothing out of it. I don't feel romantic, sexy, or horny at all. I think about how we used to be in the beginning and that's what makes me feel something. When we used to have sex whenever and more than once a week and he used to swoon me. But of course we're much too "comfortable" in our relationship now. So what should I say to him? How should I say it. I've tried some things (lingerie, being sexy with him, try to go out once in a while) but doesn't seem to work. Any ideas would be great from you all. Thanks!

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Sounds like to me you guys need to rekindle the romance. I know by experience it can be hard when you have a little one, but you have to find time for each other with and without the child. Doesn't sound like you get out much together. Why not set up a date for dinner somewhere nice and maybe a movie after then you can talk about how you both feel about the situation. Sounds like he's more content with the way things are than you are. You sound understanding but you need to do something for yourself or it might get worse. Hasn't he noticed you've been different lately? If he asks what's wrong, let him know. Good luck.

I am a mother of a 2yr been with my boyfriend for 4 years and stay at home. Seems like the last six months I haven't really been in the mood. I feel like when it comes to the bedroom activities, it's no foreplay, do it, and 15 min later, go to bed. It's been worse these last couple of months. He just thinks that if he's a little googly nice while we're in bed, he can get a little and then he's fine for a week & 1/2 or 2. I get nothing out of it. I don't feel romantic, sexy, or horny at all. I think about how we used to be in the beginning and that's what makes me feel something. When we used to have sex whenever and more than once a week and he used to swoon me. But of course we're much too "comfortable" in our relationship now. So what should I say to him? How should I say it. I've tried some things (lingerie, being sexy with him, try to go out once in a while) but doesn't seem to work. Any ideas would be great from you all. Thanks!
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Why not try some of those self-help books? You know, the ones that are always in bookstores, about "How to light his fire" or " Rekindle the Romance!" or whatever. I don't know the exact titles to look for, but perhaps you and your boyfriend can look through them together?

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