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Very important help me please :-)

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Well, me and my man are now kinda getting serious with each other he is so different then all the other guys I have been with. Well, all I have to say is that he seems so perfect me and him have so much in common we can talk about everything I know almost everything about him. Well, the problem is that it scares me LOL yeah I mean I have been through so much bull with guys and now there he comes all perfect and showing me he cares about me and telling me he loves me. He told me he loves me he said I am the best thing that ever happened to him and I think I love him too. At first when he said it I said whatever and I didn't believe it but then the way he was acting towards me and the way he talked to me and he also swore by his fathers grave that he loves me. I should be a very happy girl now but. I just keep having those crazy feelings I have never felt before but then I think it's so early you know we been only together for 2weeks but (i feel i love him).I just keep stressing about how he really feels about me cuz I have been hurt so many times I am just scared a lot that he is going to hurt me I like him a lot and don't want that to happen. So I keep testing him and trying to see if he would claim me and last time I it was stupid but I told him I was with someone else just to see what he would he got mad of course and the way he was acting it seemed like he really cares about me. He tells me that he even told his Mom n everyone about me. The Problem now is you are asking I am just so scared you know to get hurt again thinking what if he is just playing he tells me he is not but I am so scared I love him too I know I just want to make everything right. And stop playing those stupid junior high games with him cuz it hurts him. But still what should I do is it normal for me to be in love with him after only 2 weeks. Should I just chill and see what will hapen.Please I need help this might seem stupid to you and you might thing what does she want? But i am very sad now i don't know what to do how come i have someone who says he loves me and i am not believing him (damn) Please someone help me tell me what you think

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Two weeks is too soon!


It could be the beginning of love. Only time will tell. Give it some time and see what happens.


You two seem to have a strong attraction to each other. That is part of what it takes to get a new relationship going. There can be feelings, very early on, that are usually associated with love, but it may only be lust or infatuation. As I said before...only time will tell.


Enjoy the strong attraction you feel toward one another. It will not last forever. And if you or he thinks it will, you've got another thing coming. Take it as a sign that you THINK you have found someone you want to be with for a long time. Spend some time with him and find out if it is real or not.

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You mentioned "jr high games", does this mean you're more mature like in high school? You might have been in some bad relationships before and that's what makes you cautious. There isn't anything wrong with that. Just chill and see where things take you, maybe you don't really know what love is yet and maybe he doesn't either. You'll never know unless you two keep going. There must be something with him that makes you think he's playin ya. Figure that out and talk to him. Good luck.

Well, me and my man are now kinda getting serious with each other he is so different then all the other guys I have been with. Well, all I have to say is that he seems so perfect me and him have so much in common we can talk about everything I know almost everything about him. Well, the problem is that it scares me LOL yeah I mean I have been through so much bull with guys and now there he comes all perfect and showing me he cares about me and telling me he loves me. He told me he loves me he said I am the best thing that ever happened to him and I think I love him too. At first when he said it I said whatever and I didn't believe it but then the way he was acting towards me and the way he talked to me and he also swore by his fathers grave that he loves me. I should be a very happy girl now but. I just keep having those crazy feelings I have never felt before but then I think it's so early you know we been only together for 2weeks but (i feel i love him).I just keep stressing about how he really feels about me cuz I have been hurt so many times I am just scared a lot that he is going to hurt me I like him a lot and don't want that to happen. So I keep testing him and trying to see if he would claim me and last time I it was stupid but I told him I was with someone else just to see what he would he got mad of course and the way he was acting it seemed like he really cares about me. He tells me that he even told his Mom n everyone about me. The Problem now is you are asking I am just so scared you know to get hurt again thinking what if he is just playing he tells me he is not but I am so scared I love him too I know I just want to make everything right. And stop playing those stupid junior high games with him cuz it hurts him. But still what should I do is it normal for me to be in love with him after only 2 weeks. Should I just chill and see what will hapen.Please I need help this might seem stupid to you and you might thing what does she want? But i am very sad now i don't know what to do how come i have someone who says he loves me and i am not believing him (damn) Please someone help me tell me what you think
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