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Do women need attention so badly?

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He's being totally disrespectfull when he does it too often. He should not take you for granted. The fact that you're careful not to make your flirting obvious in front of him shows you've got enough respect for him. You wanna know how to get a reaction out of a guy? Well, next time, when you two go out, when you see a good-looking guy, tell him....... AND do a double-take on that guy. And act like you're envious of that guy's g/f or wife.


Do it occasionally, and when he asks if you're doing it just to get back at him, make sure you never admit it. If he asks you who you find more attractive..... don't give him an answer, just say 'hmmm, I dunno'. Just watch his ego bubble burst. Men really have very fragile egos. I know, I know, it sounds mean, but I'm just a little pissed at the way he's stomping all over you :mad:

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Originally posted by Cecelius

Another reason not to be involved with people whose egos require attention.


So you want to take your wives for granted and not pay attention to them but to other girls???

I guess what MWC meant was that when a woman doesn't get attention from her partner, she feels like she is not in a romantic relationship and wants to fulfill that need on another side. She might leave or cheat or turn to something else. Read between the lines! :p


I think women dressing sexy to attract attention is normal and healthy if it doesn't go too far. But I don't think that women necessarily dress in a certain way to attract attention or to attract customers or to show that they are in serious business... I think most of all, we all dress the way that suits our character, the way we feel like. If we feel sexy we'll choose sexy clothes.


I like wearing jeans and tight tops and I feel sexy in them. I can't go out dressed like a grandmother, not because I care about other people's looks, but because I would feel like a grandmother. I have a certain vision of myself and I want to keep it among other people too. Just like if you see yourself as a smart and kind person, you will always try to be kind, even with people you will never see again and you will always try to show your intellect if someone asks you for an opinion. This whole life is a stage and we like the audience to applaud to our qualities. It has little to do with sex and cheating. It has to do with feeling sexy and appreciated.


New Wife, it's good to get dressed up and made up when you go on a date with your hubby, but you need to look good for him ALWAYS, not necessarily with full make-up on and high heels. Men can be more interested if their wives dress up for everyone and guys hit on her. ;)

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Originally posted by RecordProducer

So you want to take your wives for granted and not pay attention to them but to other girls???

I guess what MWC meant was that when a woman doesn't get attention from her partner, she feels like she is not in a romantic relationship and wants to fulfill that need on another side. She might leave or cheat or turn to something else. Read between the lines! :p


My point is not to pay NO attention to her. My point is that there are those whose NEED/REQUIREMENT for attention is seriously larger than other, more normal people.


My point is that there are those people in the world whose mental make-up (low self-esteem, low self confidence, whatever) causes them to be needier than those who are more mainstream. In my experience, those people who cheat generally are more likely to be in that narcissistic, needy mind set. I do not believe that every woman is a potential cheater if her husband fails to dote on her adequately. I also do not believe that any man (or woman) should ever, from one moment to the next, feel that they have to "pay" to keep their mate from hooking up with some guy in the men's room... There is a happy medium.

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