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boyfriend and strip club

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My boyfriend is going away on a trip for the company he works for. It is supposed to be a meeting. Its all men in the company and all they do is sit, eat, talk, golf and eventually go to strip clubs for the night. I straight up and honestly told my boyfriend that I dont like those places. I have been to them and its not my thing. Instead of throwing money down on a girl you dont know....quit being so stingy to your girlfriend.


My whole point came when I broke it down to him and said....reverese the situation. Instead of a women throwing herself in your face...I have a man in mine. If you are going to have fun at one of those places ....... so am I. He got mad...said i was going just to spite him. Its not spite honey...I have always liked seeing naked men but when I started dating you...I never thought twice about it. I want to be with you. I dont go out of respect for you. BUT if you get to go then you betcha I am going.


He all of a sudden changed his story around to he is not going to a strip club in the meeting. THey wont make it he says. He is lying and i know it.


My man is stupid he does things that are not fair to me all the time....this is the first time I have ever reversed the situation on him. It shouldnt have come to this. I think we are done.


Was it wrong of me to give an ultimadum and go see naked men??? I dont think so. What do you think???

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Well...Some men think that its okay to just go to a strip club because they know its not sex, YES it is a sexual situation but guys dont see much wrong with it..


As far as you throwing it back in his face..That doesnt make you much better than him. If you expressed how you feel about him going with or without you and he still goes then that clearly shows the lack of respect on his part..


And by you saying that if he goes then you will go, that would make him want to go even more..Just to test you.


I would just see if hes going to go or not before you make any decisions on going yourself..


But like I said, if he cant respect YOU enough to listen to your feelings and not do something that you asked him not to do then hes not worth your time. But dont get down to his level out of spite, thats not healthy, or good in the long run in a relationship..because then it comes off as a competitave relationship when you two should be working together not agianst each other...


Just my two cents

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I agree that he will probably lie and go anyway.


I don't blame you for telling him what's good for the goose is good for the gander. The question is, do you want to be with someone that thinks this is okay, doesn't respect how you feel about it, and who will probably lie about going?


Think really hard because it only gets harder to break away the longer you are with him.

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