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I'm married and I want to have children, but my husband doesn't. Any advice?

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I have a wonderful husband, great marriage, but my husband doesn't want to have children and I do. This is his second marriage, my first and there are a few years between us. He had a vescetomy in the 3rd year of his first marriage (was married for 15 years.) He has a little girl from that, she is six. He said to me while we were engaged that if he ever wanted more children, he would get it reversed. I never gave it much thought to having kids, but now, two years later, I have baby fever, my sister just had one, and I want one, but Tim doesn't. I just assumed that we would have kids, but never really pushed the issue because I wasn't sure if I wanted to. He is great with his daughter, and we talk about children, but he says he doesn't want anymore. I said, thinking that he didn't want to go through the pregnancy thing, well, we can adopt. He said he that it wasn't the pregnancy issue, it was the raising issue, etc. He said that he and Celia, his ex, never wanted children and his daughter, Lindsey was a mistake. I'm truly heart-broken. I love my husband, I love Lindsey, but I want a baby and all the begging and pleading isn't getting me anywhere. Do you think that he will have a change of heart?


If anyone can help, it would be appreciated. I'm so depressed and don't know what to do, but I don't want to lose my husband either. We really do love each other, but I feel as if I am going to miss out by not having a baby.


Thank you,



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