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Dating a short guy-How does it feel?


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I am almost 5'10" (feet and inches). I have dated men shorter than that. I wouldn't go below 5'7" ish though because I'd feel like a big awkward Amazon.


I'll be honest....as a person who had trouble finding a guy taller than me because all these tiny girls wanted the 6'4" guys....that annoys the heck out of me. If you're 5'2" you don't NEED a tall man; let us tall women have them!! lol


Hahaha, i have this theory that short girls fit more with very tall guys & i find it hot for tall girls to date shorter or same height guys.

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he is taller than me because i am very short. If he was shorter than me he would be considered as a midget. The point is if i wear heals of course i will be the same height as him.


Well, don't you have a spare heals he can wear too? Problem solved. :D

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Hahaha, i have this theory that short girls fit more with very tall guys & i find it hot for tall girls to date shorter or same height guys.


I am a short woman, almost 5'3''. It's untrue we fit better with tall men. My ex was 6'4'' and it was literally dangerous for me being around him, I don't know how many times he accidentally knocked me in the face with his elbow. It's also very awkward in bed and uncomfortable or impossible for some positions. Holding hands while walking looks weird, it's like holding your dad's hands.


I have dated plenty of men my height. They all had a lot of charisma, personality and confidence that their height was the last thing you'd notice.


I'd go for a confident short man 100% faster than for a insecure of 6'+ .

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Ah, one of my favorite topics...


The title of your thread is insulting and ill-conceived. I am 5'6 and have never had trouble dating women and some have been taller than myself. If it is your preference to date taller, then please save the shorter guys any hardship when and if you decide, at a later time, that it won't work for you.


You've already cited a couple of reasons why you hesitate to date shorter guys and doubt that will change. You posting this indicates a level of angst that would likely manifest itself, ultimately, back to your preferred state of dating taller men. You may be initially persuaded to take the chance (absurd to even put it that way), but you will regress.


I am short guy with a great deal of confidence, decent looking, athletic and educated...I have a lot going for me and continue to date. In fact, I have two dates later this week with two beautiful women.


What is it like to date a short(er) guy? Just like dating a taller guy w/o having to look up. ;)

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I am a short woman, almost 5'3''. It's untrue we fit better with tall men. My ex was 6'4'' and it was literally dangerous for me being around him, I don't know how many times he accidentally knocked me in the face with his elbow. It's also very awkward in bed and uncomfortable or impossible for some positions. Holding hands while walking looks weird, it's like holding your dad's hands.


I have dated plenty of men my height. They all had a lot of charisma, personality and confidence that their height was the last thing you'd notice.


I'd go for a confident short man 100% faster than for a insecure of 6'+ .


I needed to hear this thank you :)

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I am 157 cms, i am considered as a petite with a cute body thats why i am attracted to much taller guys.


This makes no sense. Why would you assume because you are very short that you fit better with very tall guys?


And what's your cute body got to do with any if it?


As a short petite girl, I'd sugguest you would fit better with average or shorter guys...

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I am a man who is 5'3" 162cm tall, my current wife of 18+ years (we've been together for 21+ years) is 5'7" tall. My ex-wife is 5'6" and most of my sexual partners have been taller than me, with the tallest being circa 6'2".


Before my wife was with me, she had always dated taller men with around 6' being the norm. Yet she asked me out on a date and dumped a taller man to be with me after that date.


At the time my wife asked me out, I figure I was to some degree rather manly. Since I was a former full-time professional soldier and then part-time reserve infantry Section Commander (Squad Leader), when I wasn't working at my then full-time job.


That said if you find his height offputting, you shouldn't feel bad about letting him go. You can't help who you're attracted to and shouldn't feel bad about being true to yourself.

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I am a short woman, almost 5'3''. It's untrue we fit better with tall men. My ex was 6'4'' and it was literally dangerous for me being around him, I don't know how many times he accidentally knocked me in the face with his elbow. It's also very awkward in bed and uncomfortable or impossible for some positions. Holding hands while walking looks weird, it's like holding your dad's hands.


I'm your height and can relate to that having had a 6'2" partner.

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I see shorter guys with their partners and kids all of the time and the lack of height doesn't seem to be holding them back. The only real issue I've noticed with a few shorter men and women is Napoleon complex, and those are the ones to avoid. The problem isn't being shorter, but being hung up on height and erroneously assuming that arbitrary preferences are hardwired into everyone.


How often do you meet someone that you have such a strong connection with? If he's that interesting and attractive, you might be shooting yourself in the foot here.

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Wookin Pa Nub

I am tall man but nonetheless I think you are either attracted to the overall physical package or you're not. Only you can decide if height will play significant role on your overall attraction to him.

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If short men can't even count on very short women to want to date them, what can they count on???


OP, I dated a man exactly my height and the only issue for me was feeling a bit weird if I was teller than him with heels on. Nothing else mattered.

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I see shorter guys with their partners and kids all of the time and the lack of height doesn't seem to be holding them back. The only real issue I've noticed with a few shorter men and women is Napoleon complex, and those are the ones to avoid. The problem isn't being shorter, but being hung up on height and erroneously assuming that arbitrary preferences are hardwired into everyone.


How often do you meet someone that you have such a strong connection with? If he's that interesting and attractive, you might be shooting yourself in the foot here.


Napolean was actually 5'7" and as the average height for men of the day was 5'5" he was above average height.

He also surrounded himself with huge personal body guards, so when out in public he appeared short when compared to those bigger guys.

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I personally would see it as being more of a problem if you were taller that him, but it isn't the case.

That being said, you'd prefer dating someone taller that this guy and that's just the way it is. You're attracted to what/who you're attracted to, and there's not much one can do about that. Physical attraction goes hand in hand with arousal, not ethical principles. If you would chose to start dating this guys nonetheless, chances are you will get past his height and think that looking back, it would have been a mistake not to give him a chance. Chances are also you will be frustrated when out with him, and seeing all those taller guys you could be dating instead.

If you would prefer a taller guy, I think you should go for one. That being said, taller guys may prefer taller girls as well.

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If his height is putting a damper on proceeding with this, stop wasting his time.


I have done it myself (for other reasons), that I could not get by it, and broke up with a guy. Broke his heart. I didn't wait too long only 2 weeks. I felt I did the right thing.

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There are times when I am simply flabbergasted with some people's inability to make the most fundamental decisions. The OP is asking if it's okay to date a shorter guy?! WTFrench fries?!

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This is really just an issue that I find on the internet, tbh.


In real life, I very rarely even lay eyes on guys that are that short. And online dating was the only time that I ever felt that my own height was being scrutinized in any way.


At 5'4/5'5, he is extremely short. With the keyword being extreme. He's a massive outlier, and you don't seem attracted to it.


I wouldn't go out with a woman that is 18 stone in the hopes that I find her attractive at some point. I can't fathom it.


Naturally this is one of those differences that men and women have. I would just warn against creating a relationship with someone who is "good on paper", where you desire the relationship and not really the man himself. It just leads to a low-quality relationship.

Edited by Bastile
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This is really just an issue that I find on the internet, tbh.


In real life, I very rarely even lay eyes on guys that are that short. And online dating was the only time that I ever felt that my own height was being scrutinized in any way.


At 5'4/5'5, he is extremely short. With the keyword being extreme. He's a massive outlier, and you don't seem attracted to it.


I wouldn't go out with a woman that is 18 stone in the hopes that I find her attractive at some point. I can't fathom it.


Naturally this is one of those differences that men and women have. I would just warn against creating a relationship with someone who is "good on paper", where you desire the relationship and not really the man himself. It just leads to a low-quality relationship.


5'5" isn't a massive outlier. Where do you live?


I mean it's short to be sure, but there's 3 guys in my office who are that height, including me, and it's not a large office.


Not to mention there's many more guys who are in the 5'6" to 5'7" range which isn't that much taller.


Also, it shows how you think when you consider the word 'man'. Because where I live, there's lots of Mexicans and Central Americans. And they probably AVERAGE 5'5".


So ... you think you're better than them?


I mean seriously, this place really scares me sometimes.

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5'5" isn't a massive outlier. Where do you live?


I mean it's short to be sure, but there's 3 guys in my office who are that height, including me, and it's not a large office.


Not to mention there's many more guys who are in the 5'6" to 5'7" range which isn't that much taller.


Also, it shows how you think when you consider the word 'man'. Because where I live, there's lots of Mexicans and Central Americans. And they probably AVERAGE 5'5".


So ... you think you're better than them?


I mean seriously, this place really scares me sometimes.


Sure mate, whatever makes you happy/not triggered :rolleyes:

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I am a man who is 5'3" 162cm tall, my current wife of 18+ years (we've been together for 21+ years) is 5'7" tall. My ex-wife is 5'6" and most of my sexual partners have been taller than me, with the tallest being circa 6'2".


Before my wife was with me, she had always dated taller men with around 6' being the norm. Yet she asked me out on a date and dumped a taller man to be with me after that date.


At the time my wife asked me out, I figure I was to some degree rather manly. Since I was a former full-time professional soldier and then part-time reserve infantry Section Commander (Squad Leader), when I wasn't working at my then full-time job.


That said if you find his height offputting, you shouldn't feel bad about letting him go. You can't help who you're attracted to and shouldn't feel bad about being true to yourself.


Masculinity is more important than height.


You don't say ....

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Yeah I got to say, I live in the bay area, there is a lot of diversity here.... Latin American, east Asian etc and 5'5" is not extremely short.


At 5'3" I can't imagine why one would want to date extra tall guys.


I am a little over 5'6". I have dated 6'6" - and honestly I found his height really akward! It's like I always wanted to find a stair to stand on. Also dated a guy for a while that was 6'4".... And still, having someone tower over me that much wasn't all it's cracked up to be.


My husband is barely 5'10". If I wear heels we are the same height. Not a big deal.... We fit together well, his hugs are perfect (I don't need to stand on tippy toes!) all sorts of sex positions work well (I have never wished he was taller).


He's still masculine, he weighs more than I do, has way more muscle, broad shoulders etc.


I wouldn't be attracted to a guy who's mass was smaller than mine, or had less muscle and strength than I do - but otherwise, I certainly don't need a man who towers over me.

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Yeah I got to say, I live in the bay area, there is a lot of diversity here.... Latin American, east Asian etc and 5'5" is not extremely short.


At 5'3" I can't imagine why one would want to date extra tall guys.


I am a little over 5'6". I have dated 6'6" - and honestly I found his height really akward! It's like I always wanted to find a stair to stand on. Also dated a guy for a while that was 6'4".... And still, having someone tower over me that much wasn't all it's cracked up to be.


My husband is barely 5'10". If I wear heels we are the same height. Not a big deal.... We fit together well, his hugs are perfect (I don't need to stand on tippy toes!) all sorts of sex positions work well (I have never wished he was taller).


He's still masculine, he weighs more than I do, has way more muscle, broad shoulders etc.


I wouldn't be attracted to a guy who's mass was smaller than mine, or had less muscle and strength than I do - but otherwise, I certainly don't need a man who towers over me.


The same is true in Texas. Lots of short Asian and Latin men. I'm sure others are short too, but it's common to see shorter Latin and Asian me. Not unusual at all.


I've read 5' 10" in the median height for American men. Being 5' 10", it does feel like half of guys are taller than me and half are shorter.

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OP, it sounds like you're fishing for us to tell you to date a guy you aren't attracted to. Just don't do it. It's not good for you and it's not good for him.

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I've read 5' 10" in the median height for American men. Being 5' 10", it does feel like half of guys are taller than me and half are shorter.


That is correct – well close.


Here is some real data:




(fun chart, sort by country, height etc)


The average American Male is 5’9” and 5’3 ½” for females.



It cracks me up how some women seem to think that anyone under 6' is "short" - yet that is a good 3 inches taller than average.

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That is correct – well close.


Here is some real data:




(fun chart, sort by country, height etc)


The average American Male is 5’9” and 5’3 ½” for females.



It cracks me up how some women seem to think that anyone under 6' is "short" - yet that is a good 3 inches taller than average.


That's because those women aren't evaluating people as above average or below average - they're looking for attractive or unattractive. No one considers 50% of the population attractive, no? Everyone's definition of attractive varies - but someone else might be looking for a top 20% solid dude rather than a top 20% tall one.

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