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Can't compete with young beautiful girls!!!

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Your daughter gave you a very good advice. :) At one point I think you just have to stop competing and just concentrate on being the best you that you can be. Your fiancé is very likely not Mr. Perfect either and he is also facing the risk that you look at younger more attractive guys than him.


Take care :)

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I can see where the first post and thought cme from and I would never expect a man to understand how a girl feels about her insecurities and hurts...NEVER!! Males and females were just not developed the same what so ever!!.....Anyway yea I can say that it kills me inside for the fact that I dwell on stupid pointless things like why is he looking, aren't I enough? Or he just doesn't know how to appreciate me because he looks and makes comments. Oh geez! It really does consume my thoughts so much of my time. Like torment. If I could change the way that I think than that would be the best miracle I ever had gotten.


Sure you can be thankful for what you have and how much worse it can be, but lets face it-we just cant change the way we have been thinking for our how lives. I read someone elses post and they said that they have an obsessive compulsive disorder and that made sense to me...I obsess over these things and I have no control over them-none! I hate sooo much.

I have been told to model and that I am absolutly gorgeous from complete strangers, guys and girls, but that does not make how I feel any better.I do not know what will.


I also undrstand that the reason why the celebrities are so famous is because they were either born into the fame or they worked to get where they are. I bet you anyone of us 'regular' people did what they did to become famous, than would would be idolized and thought as hot....half the people that are 'said' to be sooo good-looking aren't at all what people say they are. If I had someone doing my hair, makeup, and trianing and toning my body like these models/actresses have than I would be societal 'gorgeous'. I would like it I think, but those girls have insecurity issues too...Look at the drugs they do and how many marriages and divorces they go through. I know they cant be any happier than any of us. Take Jessica simpson being jealous over Nick talking to that ugly ass stripper???Now she could have anyone she wants and trust I hate admitting that but she is still sometimes insecure too. If she was not fmous,didnt have her own reality sjow, and didnt always having someone there to make her look so good, than chances are that she wouldnt be as awesome looking as most people see. I get these but I still need so much work on my thinking process----:rolleyes:

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I apologize for my generation but you have to admit we were basically raised by hollywood and the media. Sex sells and it apperently works for most. I don't dress like that but there are always going to be people that look better and are younger then us. Jealousy happens to everyone but its their choice on how they deal with it. You can talk to your man about it and explain how it makes you feel how would he feel if you had your eyes glued to every hot guy with abs? But the point im really trying to make is we all have our time. You admited that you were really attractive when you were younger with a cute shape- though girls nowadays show a little more it is still there "time" younger girls will always be looked apon that way but its up to you to love yourself and love yourself with age- we all are going to go through it. Enbrace yourself- besides I think older woman are the most beatiful- they've had it all and they are wise beyond their years. Besides your the one he comes to every night.

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CONFIDENCE is the sexiest thing a woman can wear. Girls are born daily and young women will always exist. Try not to compare yourself, even mentally, to any woman -- young or old -- and you'll be OK.

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i agree that confidence is everything. i've suffered in my own relationship because of lack of confidence and self-esteem and i'm only 19!! my boyfriend constantly tells me i'm sexy but i see him looking at other women and even comments on those on tv. i felt that i wasnt perfect enough for him. and i'm the majorly jealous type so this affected me a lot at first. then it just hit me!! confidence!! i got to make myself feel great and that aura shows which will turn any man on and they will be pleased with whom they have. accepting yourself and showing yourself off as a sexy, confident, and classy woman is a great way to show your man your power!! you'll be irresistible.:)

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If you ask me, it's pretty juvenile to keep worrying about what everyone else looks like. Being confident in yourself means you don't obsess over how you compare to other people. I think. Yeah, we can blather on on soapboxes (hell that's how I started posting on this site) but in the end it don't mean ****e. Life is okay, I've noticed, if you just concentrate on being who you are, rather than who you think you should be.

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