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Getting Back with a psycho ex

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What does this say about this man?


He broke it off with this psycho red head girlfriend of two yrs due to her anger problems (she threw a bottle at his head) and he ended it. They were seperated for a year, now he is recently seeing her. What the hell is he thinking!??? I heard through others that she broke into his email and now he's with her. I think she might have read our emails ( I was involved with him for about a month), they were friendly emails.


I thought my own personal problems were the reason why he pretty much brooke it off with me but now I know it was because of this damn red head psycho.


What do you all think?

Im moving on, just sucks because we really had a connection.

Is their relationship doomed to fail once again.


He's an idiot in my head now, but I cant help that I liked him so much.

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A Fly onThe Wall

I think that you are NOT moving on ..


Otherwise you wouldn't care..


What does it matter ? It's his life now

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Your definately right, just dont understand what a moron he is. I tell myself that I deserve someone better, this shows a lot about him.

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What the hell is he thinking!???


He is thinking that despite all the horrible things she's done, there is something about her that he needs in his life. Not everything in our lives that we need is necessarily a 'good' thing, nor is that need always fueled by healthy motivations. No matter how unhealthy his need is for such a chaotic relationship, the fact of the matter is that the need is there - and he is filling it with her.


Only he is capable of truly seeing this situation for how it really is, and right now his reality of the situation is biased, cloudy and nearly impenetrable by logic or well-meaning intentions. Not much you can do but to move on with your life, and leave him to the repercussions of his choice.


Will his relationship with her fail? Of course. Repeatedly. But as long as he has this need for her, he will continue to make his way back to her.

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he has codependency issues. Avoid him. No reason to be entangled with someone who doesnt mind being abused. Says alot about his self esteem huh... You're not missing anything. You deserve someone WAY better.


Originally posted by Bluezone



What does this say about this man?


He broke it off with this psycho red head girlfriend of two yrs due to her anger problems (she threw a bottle at his head) and he ended it. They were seperated for a year, now he is recently seeing her. What the hell is he thinking!??? I heard through others that she broke into his email and now he's with her. I think she might have read our emails ( I was involved with him for about a month), they were friendly emails.


I thought my own personal problems were the reason why he pretty much brooke it off with me but now I know it was because of this damn red head psycho.


What do you all think?

Im moving on, just sucks because we really had a connection.

Is their relationship doomed to fail once again.


He's an idiot in my head now, but I cant help that I liked him so much.

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