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Any Multidating Tips???

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Oh gosh that sounds confusing af. Beans??? Lol!!!!!


Ya Cookies, its crazy and I have a feeling I'm not going to mess with it too much. They give you 'beans' aka coins and for every guy you chose, you have to pay beans to chose him. I guess you also earn them as you go along but they only give you about 7 different guys to chose from so...????


I just made a bumble account and it seems better but it keeps telling me it ran out of people when I'm swiping and I've swiped a total of 7 times. Only 7 :rolleyes:


Mercury retrograde is messing with OLD right now. I've always had the worst luck during retrogrades. It's over on the 5th. Thank god


OLD is at an all time low :laugh:

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A few days into this round of OLD, I was knew something was off. Pof kept deleting my account over and over. The selection was god awful, and a new record for perverted messages has been offically broken.


After the 5th day I think, I realized mercury retrograde had been going on for the past couple weeks and wasnt going to end until the 5th


I've always been really affected by retrogrades. I ended my 2 LTRs during Venus retrograde, although at the time, I had no idea venus was in retrograde


So, after much consideration and a chat with my fellow Wiccan friend, I've decided to delete all 4 of my OLD accounts and to start back up on the 5th when mercury starts going direct again


Theres no doubt in my mind that I'm making the best decision, mercury retrograde is the worst time to start...well, just about anything so I'm hopeful once I start back up in 3 days, things will feel normal again :D

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A few days into this round of OLD, I was knew something was off. Pof kept deleting my account over and over. The selection was god awful, and a new record for perverted messages has been offically broken.


After the 5th day I think, I realized mercury retrograde had been going on for the past couple weeks and wasnt going to end until the 5th


I've always been really affected by retrogrades. I ended my 2 LTRs during Venus retrograde, although at the time, I had no idea venus was in retrograde


So, after much consideration and a chat with my fellow Wiccan friend, I've decided to delete all 4 of my OLD accounts and to start back up on the 5th when mercury starts going direct again


Theres no doubt in my mind that I'm making the best decision, mercury retrograde is the worst time to start...well, just about anything so I'm hopeful once I start back up in 3 days, things will feel normal again :D



So when you say " in order to meet someone special, all the planets have to align"...then it's not just a figure of speech, you actually mean it..!!





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So when you say " in order to meet someone special, all the planets have to align"...then it's not just a figure of speech, you actually mean it..!!






Lol, I know it sounds weird and probably ridiculous but I fully believe in this type of stuff and I've seen it play out in many aspects of my life


Part of Wicca is a belief in astrology. Sun signs can be questionable though


To each their own I guess ;)

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if the beans were some kind of currency to buy guys i would be very hesitant to spend them. I'll probably wind up just hoarding beans using that app.


The thing I didn't like about bumble, besides the lack of options, yes, was the timer.


Right now I have a date tomorrow possibly with a guy who is so far out of my league from what it looks like it's not even funny. In terms of looks, education, career, social standing, he is echelons above me. So this should be hilariously tragic. But what the hell? I met him on tinder. I'm hoping that he'll just be like, "hey baby, enough coffee and chit chat, wanna go back to my place." I'm sort of joking but not really. My tindering experience so far has been running into men who barely want to hug me goodbye, yet ask for a second platonic activity, I mean date. So my tinder experience doesn't seem to mirror all this hedonism I've been hearing about.



Then I have another date on the wednesday. Then Friday. I have 0 expectation on the turn out on any of this. I'm doing this multi dating thing right :cool:

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Right now I have a date tomorrow possibly with a guy who is so far out of my league from what it looks like it's not even funny. In terms of looks, education, career, social standing, he is echelons above me. So this should be hilariously tragic.


He agreed to go out with you, Cookie, so maybe it'll go really well. You never know. Stranger things have happened....


Think positive!

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Haha thanks, pops. I have a feeling it's going to result in injury. Like I'll spill scorching hot coffee on him accidentally or pull him into traffic as he holds my hand. My dates seem to be getting progressively worse, leading into what seems to be a crescendo of doom


Never mind! Thinking ~~~+++ positively +++~~~ thank you ? ? ?

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Haha thanks, pops. I have a feeling it's going to result in injury. Like I'll spill scorching hot coffee on him accidentally or pull him into traffic as he holds my hand. My dates seem to be getting progressively worse, leading into what seems to be a crescendo of doom


Never mind! Thinking ~~~+++ positively +++~~~ thank you ? ? ?


I just hope that if any of that crazy stuff happens you come and tell us here so we can get a laugh. :laugh:

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OK. So I'm probably going to be going out with that guy I wrote about in the he lost interest will he come back thread. Damn Him and his push pull and being so cute...it probably won't lead anywhere, but he's so cute damnit and he really wants to meet now...curse my weak heart. I always end up going for guys like my ex. I actually think it's 80% because he kind a looks like my ex.


Sorry for thread jacking it's a multi-dating prob.

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Awww Cookies, you never know what can happen! :D


After hearing you're at least matching with some guys you're attracted to on tinder, I just made an account


I fully expect nothing to come of it considering the astrological timing and because its tinder :laugh:


But I'm bored and its rainy/cold outside so here I am :o

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Awww Cookies, you never know what can happen! :D


After hearing you're at least matching with some guys you're attracted to on tinder, I just made an account


I fully expect nothing to come of it considering the astrological timing and because its tinder :laugh:


But I'm bored and its rainy/cold outside so here I am :o


nevermind I'm not going to be going on that date...Good luck on Tinder, anyway. I'm starting to believe the stars are aligned against me x.x

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nevermind I'm not going to be going on that date...Good luck on Tinder, anyway. I'm starting to believe the stars are aligned against me x.x


What happened girl???

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What happened girl???


Nowt. I told them maybe. Im just nervous. I don't don't wanna get myself in another situation like with my ex x.x ...


Any luck with tinder yet?

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Nowt. I told them maybe. Im just nervous. I don't don't wanna get myself in another situation like with my ex x.x ...


Any luck with tinder yet?


Cookies, I know you've heard this a million times on here but, I really think you should take a break from dating. Once you've gotten things figured out, you can come back better than ever. This pattern that you're repeating is hard for you isnt it?? Maybe take a breather, clear your mind then get back into the swing of things. Think about the stellar advice you would give to yourself if you posted on here. You'd probably say the same ;)


As for my luck, I just made my profile maybe, 2 hours ago? I havent been swiping much. I have one match so far and some super likes :laugh:


I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to have a ton of matches by now right? So nope, not going well :laugh:

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Cookies, I know you've heard this a million times on here but, I really think you should take a break from dating. Once you've gotten things figured out, you can come back better than ever. This pattern that you're repeating is hard for you isnt it?? Maybe take a breather, clear your mind then get back into the swing of things. Think about the stellar advice you would give to yourself if you posted on here. You'd probably say the same ;)


As for my luck, I just made my profile maybe, 2 hours ago? I havent been swiping much. I have one match so far and some super likes :laugh:


I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to have a ton of matches by now right? So nope, not going well :laugh:


Thanks, dis. I know you're right. I probably should take a some time to get things sorted. I think I'm getting discouraged navigating the dating terrain. I don't know what I'm doing anymore!!!


hahah it's been two hours! Get those super likes :laugh:

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Thanks, dis. I know you're right. I probably should take a some time to get things sorted. I think I'm getting discouraged navigating the dating terrain. I don't know what I'm doing anymore!!!


hahah it's been two hours! Get those super likes :laugh:


Hahaha, I dont know what I'm doing anymore either :laugh:


I just deleted my tinder account


Must wait 1 more day before starting out again


Maybe you'll have better luck once retrograde is over too ;)

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Mercury retrograde is over and I'm back on OLD!!!


I dont know if this theory holds any water but I find that when I reply to a guy (even if I'm not interested) I get more new guys sending messages than I would if I wasnt sending messages out


I havent seen anyone that I'm interested in yet but I'm hoping this strategy works


Maybe it has something to do with the algorithms on these sites?


Not sure :confused:

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Yes, for OKC that's how the algorithms work. When I stop logging in (like now) - I don't get new messages. Even one 'like' gets things going.


Mercury retrograde is over and I'm back on OLD!!!


I dont know if this theory holds any water but I find that when I reply to a guy (even if I'm not interested) I get more new guys sending messages than I would if I wasnt sending messages out


I havent seen anyone that I'm interested in yet but I'm hoping this strategy works


Maybe it has something to do with the algorithms on these sites?


Not sure :confused:

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Mercury retrograde is over and I'm back on OLD!!!


I dont know if this theory holds any water but I find that when I reply to a guy (even if I'm not interested) I get more new guys sending messages than I would if I wasnt sending messages out


I havent seen anyone that I'm interested in yet but I'm hoping this strategy works


Maybe it has something to do with the algorithms on these sites?


Not sure :confused:


It could have to do with the algorithm. I noticed it can be hit or miss. ? Other times nary a cute guy in sight for a week or more... It's interesting, but I feel like when I stop paying attention or caring about OLAD the cute guys start popping up. Give it some time for you to settle in the app. Are you getting more matches?


I'd never heard of the mercury in retrograde stuff but I'm beginning to believe. I went on that date tonight with the guy I was unsure about and mentioned it to him ... that I knew it was the 5th but I didn't know what time it was over lol ...oh lawd He is fine...He texted he can't believe we kissed and I'm like aw dah me neither. They were cute little pecks. I'm super into him ?

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Yes, for OKC that's how the algorithms work. When I stop logging in (like now) - I don't get new messages. Even one 'like' gets things going.


Ya that happens to me too!


Good to know! :D

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It could have to do with the algorithm. I noticed it can be hit or miss. ? Other times nary a cute guy in sight for a week or more... It's interesting, but I feel like when I stop paying attention or caring about OLAD the cute guys start popping up. Give it some time for you to settle in the app. Are you getting more matches?


I'd never heard of the mercury in retrograde stuff but I'm beginning to believe. I went on that date tonight with the guy I was unsure about and mentioned it to him ... that I knew it was the 5th but I didn't know what time it was over lol ...oh lawd He is fine...He texted he can't believe we kissed and I'm like aw dah me neither. They were cute little pecks. I'm super into him ?


Awww, I hope that works out Cookies ;)


The retrograde is over as of today! :D


I'm getting a lot more matches, messages, likes etc. Things seem to be flowing better. Things are kind of blowing up (in a good way) ;)

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Awww, I hope that works out Cookies ;)


The retrograde is over as of today! :D


I'm getting a lot more matches, messages, likes etc. Things seem to be flowing better. Things are kind of blowing up (in a good way) ;)


yay, dis!!!! it's on now. and yes, when you are not that active I think your profile gets sort of hidden....I not 100% sure but that makes sense. I don't know if it's true...but I heard OKcupid used to hide profiles entirely based on how many messages received/messages sent/ likes/views. Basically, just overall activity

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A new guy was mid-way scheduling a date with me...


Then he starts saying stuff like, "You're so hot." "Damn, I could look at you all night." "Girl, you're fine af"


And I'm like, *block*




You were almost there dude... almost... so close :laugh:

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A new guy was mid-way scheduling a date with me...


Then he starts saying stuff like, "You're so hot." "Damn, I could look at you all night." "Girl, you're fine af"


And I'm like, *block*




You were almost there dude... almost... so close :laugh:


lol!!! He almost got a chance but he had to show his eff boy so early. Sooner better than later, I suppose.

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