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why do guys put girls through S@#$ all the time.......what do they want???

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well i have been talking to you guys about this guy for about 3 weeks now and i have yet another problem.....well me and this guy have been talking for about a month or so....we have had sex and we talk everyday for the past month....we talk for hours and hours at times about everything.....well my problem is last friday we stayed the night together and it was wonderful.....the next day he left because we both had to work he has called me everyday since then except for the past two days.


we were fine after the night we had together talking alot after that......tuesday is that last day i talkeed to him i tried to call him yesterday and he didnt answer the phone and i found out that lastnight he went out.....which let me state that i dont care that he goes out that is not the problem at all because we are not together like that yet....but we do talk everyday well my best friend was out last night and he was there and she said he wasnt doing anything wrong but then why hasnt he called me or answer my phone call?????


he talks about how much he likes me and how he cant wait for me to move....i am moving to miami and he lives there i live in the keys right now.....well he is always talking about he cant wait because we will spend so much time together.....i dont know what to do about this situation....does he like me or what???? please help me

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Either he is fighting his feeling for you or he has decided he wants to keep his options open. Not good for you either way. I wouldn't call him as you have already left a message and if you keep on you will look foolish. If he doesn't call you in a few days then you can conclude his interests have changed.


Good Luck.

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Originally posted by Jayhawks

Either he is fighting his feeling for you or he has decided he wants to keep his options open. Not good for you either way. I wouldn't call him as you have already left a message and if you keep on you will look foolish. If he doesn't call you in a few days then you can conclude his interests have changed.


Good Luck.


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