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what is his deal.

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is he wrong?

I met a guy last June, moved in with him in Nov, he kicked me out in April, two weeks later I moved back in. In june he kicked me out again due to us fighting.


When ever I did or said something he didn't like he would turn into an azz and be mean to me, he was supposed to work on that and said he knew he could change. He tells me if I would just keep my mouth shut then we would be fine.


We both said we loved each other and all that, now we have been seeing each other for 2 months and last night we got in a fight and he said that we aren't b/f g/f and that I knew we weren't (I thought we were )and that he will not let me push him into anything! So I left.


He called me today and said he will not be b/f g/f with me until he knows we will work out....WTF we have been together for a year and 2 months....how long does it take to figure out if you want to be with someone or not!



When he kicked me out the second time I told him I would not move back in unless we were married and that he would have to change how he treats me!


I always do nice stuff for him and I also buy him stuff, like I take us out to dinner and what not but he never takes me out. I told him that I felt used, he said used...... when you lived here who paid the extra 200 a month, well my thinking is if he truly loved me and wanted to be with me and have me live there then why wouldn't he pay the extra right? So he throws that in my face all the time.


For the past two months I go there once during the week and then I spend weekends there. One weekend Sat morning we woke up and he started cleaning, I just laid in bed some, well he got so pissed off at me and went off on me with his mouth because I didn't do anything to help him out and he says that is the least I can do is help him out around his house. I feel that because I no longer live there that those are his duties not mine! and that I am a quest.


Well anyways I started to do stuff to help him out around there for most of the two months we have been back together. He also has me pick stuff up for him all the time ( at least once a week) which I do or did do anyways.



So then he tells me that stuff last night about how we aren't b/f g/f....



What do you all think on this matter? I feel that he does not love me and I know he treats me badly and that I should leave and never look back. He thinks he is fine and doesn't see it how I see it. I am going to link this site to him and let him see what others have to say about it all.


Thanks much!

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How old are you? Sounds like you both need to grow up a little to me. A relationship isn't about who pays for this and who pays for that. It's about helping each other out, and doing what you can for each other.


The constant throwing you out of his house isn't particularly mature, nor the best way to deal with an arguement. But feeling that if he wants to live with you, that he should pay for you isn't mature either!! WTF? Pay for yourself!!! Have some pride woman!! :p He probably can't afford to take you out in return (and you probably can afford to) because he's paying your part of the rent/housekeeping!!!! And anyway, it sooooo isn't about that stuff. You should be happy to pay for him to go out for dinner for the happiness you both get out of it. Not because you want him to do it in return. Does he at least try to thank you? Even if it is in a way that doesn't require money? Does he do anything nice for you in return?


So now you want him to marry you if you move back in? You're constantly arguing and yet your still suggesting marriage to this guy?!


I don't live with my boyfriend currently, but when he's trying to tidy up the house after a weekend together, I always help him. With us both doing it, it's done a lot quicker, and then we can get on with enjoying each other. And I know it's important to him, as he does me, so I'm happy to help. He does the same at mine. While I was rushing to get ready the other day, he did my washing up as he knew I'd hate leaving the house with it not done! Whether I'm his guest or not doesn't come into it. We are a partnership, not host and guest!!


I think you should both split and do some growing up apart... sorry.



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A Fly onThe Wall

All this and yet you keep going back..


If I lived with someone and they "kicked " me out that would be it... We are DONE.


I would never allow that person the chance to ever kick me out again

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