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Seeing a to much of a girl

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I got a job cleaning the school locker rooms. This includes the girl's locker room after 7pm when everyone should be out. One day, the swimming coach kept one girl, after hours to give her special swimming instructions. That day her coach told me I could go ahead and clean the room, even though this girl was still in the shower. When I was in there cleaning, I saw her naked and admittedly enjoyed the view. When she realized I was in the locker room looking at her, she tried to cover herself by placing her hand over her pubic area and placed her other hand and arm over her breasts. She was upset and told me to get out of the room. But her coach, who also was in the locker room at the time, told her she was out of line and that I had a responsibility to clean the room. When this girl objected to me seeing her naked, her coach told her not to be so prudish and just finish up her shower and get dressed. She then told me to get back to work. Though I'm appreciative of being able to see this girl naked, I feel bad about getting her upset. Should I apologize to her or something? Should I tell her she has a sexy figure? What's the best thing to say? I don't want her to be angry with me.



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Tell her she has a sexy figure, and you would like to see it again...but you'd like her to get naked, AND juggle dead fish this time. That's a good idea...yeah, definitely tell her she has a sexy figure.

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You took a job to clean after hours. On this particular day, it wasn't after hours since there were still people present, I don't care what the time was. It was completely inappropriate of you to clean the locker room while she was in the shower, and completely inappropriate of the coach to tell you to do so. Funny, but when I've used restrooms at work after house, the cleaning guy won't enter unless no women are present. I don't know how old you are, but you should know better than to enter a women's locker room where a woman is in the shower to 'clean'. You were trying to get a free show, admit it. If she covered herself up, she clearly did not want you to see her, and I don't blame her. Your watching her was extremely creepy. She was NOT being prudish at all. Her coach was completely out of line to even allow you to be in there. I wouldn't be surprised if this girl raised this issue with the school. I know I would. Why were you staring at her? Do you think that because you were in there cleaning it gives you the right to look at her body?


I think you should have a conversation with her coach and tell her that you will not clean the locker room until all the women are gone. Do not say anything to this girl, and do not tell her that she has a sexy body. I think she has a very good lawsuit on her hands against the school. Why do you care if she hates you? If you clean after 7 p.m. you probably never see her anyway. And I'm sure that she thinks you are extremely creepy.


Hopefully you learned from this experience.

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Ok...now that I got that little bit of sarcasm out of me...


I'd write her a note, saying the following:


I'm really sorry about what happened, and promise not to tell anybody. From the bottom of my heart, I was only following the coach's instructions, which, in retrospect, did not represent the best judgement on his part. I am truly sorry for any awkwardness this may have caused, and I ask that you please understand that unfortunately we both had to experience something that we wish hadn't happened.


It was an accident, to a great degree.


And...if it's any consolation to you, the shock pretty much scared whatever I maybe would have caught a glimpse of...right out of me.


I sincerely ask you that we both forget this regrettable incident, and let it go. I'm sorry that you had to have this happen to you, but believe me, it was certainly not my intention, and I regret it's occurrance deeply...especially to the extent that it may have affected you.




(your name)


Then, DROP THE ISSUE. Never raise it to her again...EVER.


And for the record, DO NOT NOT NOT NOT...Do NOT tell her she has a sexy figure.



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Hi Rick,


What Paulie wrote sounded like a good idea.


And if that happened with me, and the guy wrote me a note like that, I probably wouldn't be as upset afterwards.


And...don't make any comments about her body looked.


AND...that coach sounded extremely inconsiderate..a female JERK!

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I'm really sorry to be a party pooper here but I would immediately report this incident to the principal of the school.


You have my absolute word that this girl will tell of this incident at some time in the future...tell her parents...and they will rush to the school to lodge a complaint against you. She may not know you were asked to clean the locker room by the coach.


The coach will be dismissed from her job and you will be suspended from school for three days...no big deal. This coach should be reported as she exposes the school to incredible liability and shows extremely poor judgement.


You were a willing participant in this, you are NOT sorry. You are only embarassed at her reaction and you feel guilty and you should. You invaded this girl's privacy and humiliated her. This coach is a pervert and should NOT be allowed to work at a school. You should have, and you KNOW you should have, waited until this girl completed her shower before cleaning the area.


So report this incident immediately and be a hero before the principal finds out from the parents!!!

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