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My ex-girlfriend is with someone new

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I shall try and keep this short, I was with someone for 20 months.


I cheated on her for 4 months, she found out I lied quite a bit and broke her trust and all those things that come with it. she tried to forgive me and make things work for the last 3 months or so.


while this was happening she was talking to someone new (not long found this bit out) she is now with this guy and have been a couple for the past 6–8 weeks.


she officially left me 8 weeks ago but this whole time have not stopped talking, seeing and sleeping together.


she has been honest with me about everything but lies to him and as far as he knows she left me 4 months ago when they first started talking.


they have not slept together, and i keep trying to win her back but she cant make up her mind who to be with as says i will do same things again and such….


What should i do? keep trying with her? tell her new boyfriend everything??

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Considering you cheated on her, and are now trying to sabotage her new relationship, I think you should leave her well alone so she can pursue a hopefully healthy relationship with someone who isn't an utter scumbag.

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You cheated on her and are trying to seek justification? Come on, man. Won't go as far to call you a scumbag, perhaps just a person with some poor morals, but seriously? You cheated on her and are trying to seek justification for it...perhaps you should just have some fun for a while and perhaps take some time to learn some good morals before getting into a relationship with someone and hurting even more people down the road.



Also just fyi I'm being really nice here. I can almost guarantee the ****storm has yet to come.

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If you & her were meant to be you would not have strayed in the 1st place. Leave her be.


Work on your own issues, including your integrity going forward

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