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help me!! I thnik my /f is sleeping around n ****...

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Yeah, Ok...UH...i wanna know if my g.fs cheating on me....Ok...Me my girl friend, her friend and a couple of guys all got drunk. So i leave her in the room and go out into my backyard with my best friend to have a fire...I leave her in my room with my 2 friends wich are guys and her slutty ass friend.


I come back in wondering whats taking so long and I hear talking in the bathroom..its an old bathroom...so i look through the skeleton key whole i see her on the floor, and my friend on the toilet...so I decide to listen to what they are talking about, I listen carfully and i hear my g/f saying" I dont know...we will have to l;ock the door first tho ok? And my stupid drunk friend comes from outside screamin...man im so drunk...my g/f and my other friend in the bathroom run into the room as soon as they hear him.


Ok and get this...2 months later i wake up in ther morning..and im like...what a minute....I just realized that she was in the bathroom with him, i was so drunk that i had forgotten all about it. So I ask her.."Monique..Did you cheat on me when u were in the bathroom with dave" adn she said no, so i asked her "than why did u keep telling him to lock the door.."She said because she wanted him to lock the door so she could go outside and see me...DOES THAT MAKE NE SENCE??

Oh yeah, her whole family hates me n always tells her tio cheat on me too...and her sisters are huge sluts n i nkow they cover for each other...than I go to have sex wit her...she always wants to...than like 5 days agfter she doesnt want to...I havnt seen her for 5 days...she doesnt want to..but we do it...and...**** she was sooo loose...like..her sister is 27..shes 15...so...uh....I think she had sex with someone older, casue she calls me up the night before shes piss drunk, and her sister and her are out with 10 guys....man...I dont wanna get a desease or sumtin...help me someone should I leave this girl i really lover her...ort is my imagination taking control of me...

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Dude, You seem young so i'm gonna help you out here.


1.She seems to be alot more trouble than she's worth

2.Relationships should not involve sex at that young of age, It's just a big factor to throw into the mix(at any age)

3.You'll be sorry if you do get something




Bro, I'm 24 and i've been around the block. I made mistakes and had to let alot of girls go. One thing i learnt along the way is how to let go. Trust is huge in a relationship, It's a Silent killer more often then not.



My advice, Leave her in the gutter with the other garbage and move on.

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