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I need some help my g.f is cheating on me i think...

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Yeah, Ok...UH...i wanna know if my g.fs cheating on me....Ok...Me my girl friend, her friend and a couple of guys all got drunk. So i leave her in the room and go out into my backyard with my best friend to have a fire...I leave her in my room with my 2 friends wich are guys and her slutty ass friend.


I come back in wondering whats taking so long and I hear talking in the bathroom..its an old bathroom...so i look through the skeleton key whole i see her on the floor, and my friend on the toilet...so I decide to listen to what they are talking about, I listen carfully and i hear my g/f saying" I dont know...we will have to l;ock the door first tho ok? And my stupid drunk friend comes from outside screamin...man im so drunk...my g/f and my other friend in the bathroom run into the room as soon as they hear him.


Ok and get this...2 months later i wake up in ther morning..and im like...what a minute....I just realized that she was in the bathroom with him, i was so drunk that i had forgotten all about it. So I ask her.."Monique..Did you cheat on me when u were in the bathroom with dave" adn she said no, so i asked her "than why did u keep telling him to lock the door.."She said because she wanted him to lock the door so she could go outside and see me...DOES THAT MAKE NE SENCE??

Oh yeah, her whole family hates me n always tells her tio cheat on me too...and her sisters are huge sluts n i nkow they cover for each other...than I go to have sex wit her...she always wants to...than like 5 days agfter she doesnt want to...I havnt seen her for 5 days...she doesnt want to..but we do it...and...**** she was sooo loose...like..her sister is 27..shes 15...so...uh....I think she had sex with someone older, casue she calls me up the night before shes piss drunk, and her sister and her are out with 10 guys....man...I dont wanna get a desease or sumtin...help me someone should I leave this girl i really lover her...ort is my imagination taking control of me...

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Stay and continue to volunteer for this torture, or dump her and find a girl who won't make you feel like this.

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I am sorry but she is playing for a complete fool. Clearly she was going to screw this other guy in the bathroom. Her answer to you shows that she thinks you are so stupid that you would accept such an answer. For God sake, she was laying on the floor. I think it will be a matter of time until she gives you an STD. Don't you feel you could do better than this?

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Originally posted by Bryanp

I am sorry but she is playing for a complete fool. Clearly she was going to screw this other guy in the bathroom. Her answer to you shows that she thinks you are so stupid that you would accept such an answer. For God sake, she was laying on the floor. I think it will be a matter of time until she gives you an STD. Don't you feel you could do better than this?


I agree. She must think you are stupid to believe such a story. Dump her and find a loyal g/f.

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I dont man, She plays it so smoothe....Like the way she acts towards me seems like she really loves me, shes got all my friends fooled that she does, I just wanna know if shes cheating on me..She always says no...guys always hit on her, come on she must be, i just want her to admit it

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Generally guys will hit on women much more frequently if they feel they have a chance. She sounds like she is sending out vibes. I have seen very attractive women who do not get hit on because they send out vibes that are very cold.


Again your girlfriend wanted to lock the bathroom door while she was laying on the floor and your male friend was on the toilet. Her response to you when caught was she wanted to look at you with the door locked? Had sad for you that she has such a low regard for your intelligence. If the roles were reversed, do you think she would have accepted such crap from you?

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Yeah she would have. I have cheated on her before by kissing another girl...It was only once n it was like the 1st wek we were going out, and i dint think that we would be going out for this long. I dont really mind if she kisses another guiy if shes drunk or sumtin.......but her sisters put **** in her head. If shes all over guys and screwing them, sucking them off...then she comes over to my house the same day n we start kissing than have sex...its gross....I dont know if she does tho...btu I have a plan...Im going to go on her msn, email her sister and pretend its her...than Im going to be like.."i think hes catching on...should I tell him if i cheated on him or not"....Is this a good plan or not??

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Good idea but be careful because according to the "Terms Of Service" trying to be someone you're not can get you in trouble. You make her sound somewhat dumb so she might not know but if she finds out and decides to take action, I think she could get you in trouble for invasion of privacy and violating Microsoft's terms of service.



Hey I got a question for you, you said you didnt mind if she kissed someone else if she's drunk but let me ask you this, if she ****ed some other guy or guys while drunk would you mind that, IF its NOT the same day with you? I know thats what the point of your original post is but I just want you to answer that question.



Keep us updated!

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Actually, I dont think there was enough said. It does NOT say he's over 18 therefore we dont know if it is statutory rape. If it does say he's over 18 I guess I missed it.

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Originally posted by Confissledone

Actually, I dont think there was enough said. It does NOT say he's over 18 therefore we dont know if it is statutory rape. If it does say he's over 18 I guess I missed it.


you don't have to be 18 to commit Statutory rape...


" "Generally, when someone of or over the age of consent has sex with someone below the age of consent, it is considered statutory rape.


In other words, if you are over the age of consent and you have sex with a girl who is under the age of consent, even though she willingly has sex with you, you are guilty of statutory rape." "



So it depends on the age of consent in his state ie: if 16 was the age and he was 16 then yes he can commit this act

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Ok, but either way it does NOT state whether he's older than her or not, so we CANT conclude whether its statutory rape or not UNLESS she's screwing with her sisters friends, which her sis is 27, meaning that most of her sisters friends will be around her sisters age.

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