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In Love before relationship

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Have any of you ever loved someone before you were " together" with them and have them love you too?


Just wondering how many of you have experience it...

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Yes...it's called infatuation. Infatuation can similarly be called being "in love," which is in and of itself, a very broad term.


Infatuation should not be confused with LOVE, real genuine, lasting love...as you don't know the person yet. You may very well feel that "spark," always wanting to be with the person, etc, and that can be a very good thing...a great beginning.


Most of us experience this at some point in our life. The reality of the situation, however, is that once you get to know the other person...and I mean REALLY get to know them,they will become real to you, and vice-versa. This "becoming real" process is where the floodgates are opened for one of two possibilities:


1. You begin to develop a genuine, lasting, real love for the person


2. You see the qualities in them that make one of you "fall out of love with the other."


I'm sorry, but I don't buy into the storybook crap....with all the carnage I witness on this site every day.


Please...in any relationship, BE AWARE!!!



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It most definitely IS infatuation.


Though I was a little confused as to what the person asking the question meant by "together"....did she mean together as in having actually MET?...or did she mean together in the biblical sense, as in having had sex.


If it's the first one, yeah, definitely agree with Paulie. It's impossible to truly fall in love/love someone until you've met them in person, spent lots of quality time with them, really gotten to KNOW them, and vice versa.



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