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just met him!!!!!!!!

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i just met this guy on sunday august 7th. his name is jake. hes 17 , im 16. i met him through my friend sam. me ,him, sam and this other guy jeff all hung out on sunday monday and tuesday. at first i thought he was cute but by tuesday night i couldnt stop thinking about him. hes really nice to me we spent 15 minutes just talkking about random things we like on my front porch and we look in others eyes when we talk he even bought me a soda when i didnt even ask for one. last night i thought about calling him and just telling him how i feel but i just met him and ive only hung out with him with other people. plus i think hes going after this 14 year old girl who is really obnoxious. would it be wierd to just call him and ask him out? maybe he was just being nice

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Take a chance. If you like him and want to get to know him there is nothing in inviting him out. Nobody ever got what they wanted sitting on the fence.

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