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anyone got any ideas about what to do about 2 friends that want more than friendship?

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feeling lost

Hi, I'm not really sure what I'm really asking here, I guess I just want your opinions, because I'm at a loose end. I'm 17 and I'm currently studying for my A-Levels at my local sixth-form centre and well my friends are the most important thing to me, but recently I've lost most of my female friends through various reasons and because I don't trust them. so most of my friends are guys and they are really great, better than the girls by far, but its getting complicated as 2 of these guy mates have developed feelings for me, and while I love them both dearly as friends I don't know what to do about them as I have had text-sex with both of them (at seperate times) and I know they both want more, but I don't know what I want or who I want. I've got history with both of these guys, one is an ex boyfriend but we split because we both had things to work through but we stayed mates and with recent events in my life he has been a really really good mate. The other guy wasn't a boyfriend as such, more a FWB but things fell apart for various reasons but we made up and he has also been a really good friend recently. but I don't know what to do, I would go further with each of them but not both of them if that makes sense? I know my ex-boyfriend wants us to try again but I don't know exactly what the other guy wants and I haven't got a clue what to do.


Has anyone got any ideas or opinions on my situation?? Does this even make sense??

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Why not date them both. Then you can decide if you want one of them or if you want to move on to someone else. I would just let them know that they are not exclusive so they don't get mad because you were hiding something. Have fun and enjoy a couple of mates jockeying for your attention.

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feeling lost

Thanks, I might consider that. It could be difficult though as they know each other as they both attend the same sixth form as me, but we'll see.

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