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Played by a 23-Yr Old Guy?

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I was having some marital issues and I was telling my personal trainer about them (very limited). I had a sexual attraction for him. He asked me out for drinks and I went.


We made out and it would have gone further but it was that T.O.M. I defintely felt a sexual connection there. I wanted to do this guy, so 1 week goes by and I send him a text telling him very bold that I wanted him. His response was when do you want to hook up, and I said soon. A couple of days go by and I text him if he wants to get together. He never responded, so I just thought he changed his mind.


I decided to send him an email and asked why, he reponse was he was recovering from a long weekend of drinking. So I said well when you want to hook up let me know. I thought I would never hear from him again, well I was wrong, 1 week later he sends me a text asking if I was still interested. I responded yes but that the week was bad (T.O.M again) didn't tell him that. I sent an email telling him when I was available to meet the following week. He never responded.


I knew he got my email, so I sent him a text asking if he got my email, he said no. I could sense from his response something was up. I resent the email and he responded that he was really busy with work, and maybe Wednesday would work.


Wednesday never heard from him, so I sent a text asking if he was free. He said he couldn't and aked about Friday. I said friday was good. I'm sure you can guess what's next, he completly dizzed me on Friday.


Ok so here is my questions: Why did he seem interested and then all of sudden he dizzed me? Was he playing me? Is it because he didn't want to get involved with a married women? He is only 23, is this what 23 year olds do?

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His conscience is probably telling him that getting involved with a married woman is wrong.


Are you planning on a divorce or are you trying to work things out with your husband? If it's the latter, then why are you planning to cheat? Is one night of passion worth further damaging your marriage?

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He realized that its bad for business if he's doing the married lady customers, or at least too many of them and his dance card was already filled for the month?

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Originally posted by Cecelius

He realized that its bad for business if he's doing the married lady customers, or at least too many of them and his dance card was already filled for the month?



based on the personal trainers i know, i would say this may be right on target.

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Thank you all for your opinions. I agree with one response that he probably lost interest because it got to be to difficult to get together. I wish I knew the real reason, but I will never know, and I know over time it won't matter to me anymore. This situtuion is over. I'm thankful nothing ever happened.


As far as my marraige goes, well I've been completly honest with my husband about everything. He was of course very hurt but has been very understanding, supportive and wants our marriage to work. We both gave been making all the positve changes to better our relationship. This was a couple of months ago and we are defintely in a better place now.

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Boy if his conscience got the better of him, I think you found an odd trait for personal trainers. My wife had an affair with hers and now expects me to be ok with her being friends with him. Personally I don't think they teach consciences at personal trainer school.

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