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Need advice please...

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Since I found out that my best friend of 9 years and a girl that we had both only known for 5 months are sleeping together (which i knew was going on and they kept it from me and lied about it) nothing feels the same and I don't even like being in my own house, I have stayed just one night in my own place last week, why?, because it makes me angry, hurt and sick and I think what they have done is really selfish...it's not love between them and there is a much longer story about this particular girl including a lot of things that make this 'hook up” look like it was done to get at me...I don't care about that...what i care about is my best friend of 9 years has lost a great, close friend because he thought of his dick!, have I been in this situation before?


yes! I have and I have moved out before anything happened because I know that it ****s things up and people get hurt, this girl won’t even talk to me about flat stuff as we need a new person to fill in the room because my friend is leaving for another city at the end of the month.


I just can't find it in me to be around them and I just want to stay away, first it was jealousy(yes I did like her once but she told me she didn't have those feeling s for me) and now it's just anger knowing that she wants to stay living with me after he goes???...WE ARE NOT FRIENDS, she has killed whatever friendship we ever had and believe me it was a rocky one.


He has 2 weeks left here and we were supposed to party a lot and go to shows but that is just NOT happening, I have spoken to him on the phone but we just end up arguing and talking about her.


She is visiting the city he is moving too next month, why couldn't they wait until then?, everything is ruined the 3 of us going out and the whole flat (home) dynamic, what is even worse though is he tried to tell me that I was the one that should move out...I have been the lease holder at the place for 2 years and where I INVITED THEM BOTH IN UNDER MY NAME and he thinks 1 night of drunken yelling and verbal abuse is going to get me kicked out, anyways I ended up sending an e-mail saying that life is too short and that we should move on...but she has made it worse but by not replying to my messages about the potential new flatmates, I haven't seen her for a week and I like it that way I honestly never want to see her again, as for him I don't know I have seen his true colours over all of this and they are not pretty.


please help my battered and weary head...


lastly apparently I have made her out to be this big she devil but according to him she is the sweetest girl, that's because she hasn't lied to him (yet) and made up stories that involved him, this girl lives for the drama believe me and on the night of the yelling, she cried and I get felt really guilty so I hugged and held her for 5 minutes and what did he do?...NOTHING!...


Please note there are no emotions involved for this girl anymore this isn’t what this is about.

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Since I found out that my best friend of 9 years and a girl that we had both only known for 5 months are sleeping together (which i knew was going on and they kept it from me and lied about it) nothing feels the same and I don't even like being in my own house, I have stayed just one night in my own place last week, why?,


I'm trying to understand this statement. You say your b/f of 9 years is sleeping with another women? I looked your profile up and you are a male so is she a lesbo?

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You say your b/f of 9 years is sleeping with another women? I looked your profile up and you are a male so is she a lesbo?


:D Jayhawks, they're all straight, cos OP said....


Originally posted by nogames

and he thinks 1 night of drunken yelling and verbal abuse is going to get me kicked out,


OP digged the girl once so they're competing.


I think she'll move out soon enough, anyways, after his friend leaves. Best friend has been insensitive to his feelings.... But, other than that, I don't see why what he did was wrong.


Originally posted by nogames

Please note there are no emotions involved for this girl anymore this isn’t what this is about.


ok, you got me here.... why all the frustation then?

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cos I feel like **** is all messed up and he tried to get me thrown out of my own house, it's his last 2 weeks here and we were supposed to go out a lot and party together the 3 of us I don't want to hang out with a couple, she did this somewhat to get at me, WE ARE NOT COMPETING, I have no interest in her anymore in fact I hate her to be honest...I don't want to be in my own home hearing them have sex, It has ****ed everything up, she won't talk to me about important flat stuff and him and I just argue.


I feel that they are selfish and friends don't do this to other friends, in short he has let this bitch come between our friendship, why can no one see this?.


and also when I look back on things he used to take the piss out of me just to impress her THAT IS NOT WHAT A TRUE FRIEND DOES, but the thing that makes me sick is the fact that he once told me "dude she is like a sister to me" eewwwwwwww.... :sick:

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time for eviction big brother.


Its time to go lil bitch and old mate.


Crowd goes wild :D


Find some new flat mates if its painfulll to liv ewith them.


Or move out too much of ur energy is going into worrying about them.

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I know man and I haven't been home in a week, here is the thing He is leaving to go and live in another city in 2 weeks and she wants to stay on???.


I have asked her a few times to move out but she doesn't seem to budge or we will talk about it and smooth our differences out, I just know that after she goes she will start being all nice to me and **** and I'm not interested in this fake bitch...if she starts talking about my friend too and how much she misses him or whatever then I will walk off in a second.

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You sound quite hysterical and if you tell me you're not interested in her anymore then I will tell you that I'm Pamela Anderson. :)


Why should your best friend/roommate not hook up with another roommate? I can tell you why, you don't want it because you still have feelings for her. You feel she had played with you when she started sleeping with your friend. You can't tell her that you don't want her to sleep with him because you still have feelings for her so you go around and look for any kind of justification to get upset because they sleep together. They have any right to do what they want.

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NO...why can't people understand what I am trying to say? :confused:


So am I supposed to just play happy families? and hang out with them like everything is cool?


Loony did you honestly read my whole post?


THEY LIED ABOUT IT AND TRIED TO HIDE IT FROM ME, he knew I liked her and was just thinking of his dick not our friendship...after he got his d k wet, he tired to come at me like he was the big protective man and TRIED TO GET ME THROWN OUT OF MY OWN HOUSE.


I have seen his true colours through all of this and she is a worthless whore that lives for drugs and attention, just like him they are perfect for each other.

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Why should he not sleep with her? Just because you don't like this girl? Unless she did something quite mean to you he has any right to sleep with whoever he wants. Maybe he didn't want to upset you by telling you that he was sleeping with her.


What difference would it have made it they had hooked up later?

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If they hooked up later Loony then it wasn't done in my home so i wouldn't have had to stay away for a week or things wouldn't be awkward and felt devestated that my best friend of 9 years had done this...what the hell is it anyway he leaves in 2 weeks and believe me they are not in love


There is no excuse for all the lying and hiding they did from me and if you want me too I will break down exactly why i think she did this to get at me...I remember the night when she told me, she seemed to take great pride in telling me that he kissed her and that one thing lead to another and...


She is a nasty game playing piece of work and he is a selfish jew that doesn't care about close friendships.


Please read what i sad again HE TRIED TO GET ME KICKED OUT, because I want her out as I can't live with her and we don't get on, I accepted ages agao that she didn't see me that way that is why I dated other girls but she seemed to have things to say about these girls.


If you like I can break down why I think she did this to get at me and here is what kills me, she wants to continue living with me after all of this yet she won't contact me about important flat issues.


Looking back on the week after I knew it happened it almost seems like she was seeing what i would do next,...I texted her and told her I got out a DVD I knew she wanted to see and she came downstairs reeking of perfume and sat down next to me started smiling and twirling her hair (like she always does around me)...he was upstairs in his room.


You see why I am pissed off now?

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