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I can think about anything but him

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I am 16 and I have had many girlfriends but when this kid showed up a few years ago I felt sexulay attracted to this kid. (He is now 16 too) Im not gay but for this one kid i am taken and all i think about when i see him is sex. We have become good friends but i have never told him how i feel. What should i do?

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Keep your mouth shut if you don't want a black eye and loss of teeth.


For a 16-year-old bi-sexual or whatever to tell a straight 16-year-old of the same sex that there is a sexual attraction could be pretty dangerous but, at best, highly awkward. From an odds standpoint, it's a surefire way of losing a friend if he is not inclined to enjoy such admiration.


If you are going to proceed in the world with exploring your attraction to males, you should get some guidance from a psychotherapist or counsellor of some sort.


I should think this sort of thing requires skills beyond those you have thus far acquired.


I remember when I was 16. Had a male friend told me he was attracted to me, I would have become pretty angry, sick, disgusted, pissed, and nauseous. I would have immediately ended the friendship.


This is a very delicate situation that must be handled with a great deal of expertise. Whether you are latently homosexual, bisexual or heterosexual with some selective attraction to males, you really need to have your act greatly together before you get out into the world with this stuff. Get help from a professional before you open your mouth to anyone else.

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well, I agree that it is a delicate situation. Even telling someone of the opposite sex that you like them as more than a friend is hard. It is so hard to get over someone that you are so attracted to, especially when you see them often enoughto keep your heart's fires stoked. This said, If you really value the friendship, it is better to try and find someone else. However, if you think that this friend might have any attraction to you, you should go for it. When you think of telling him, how do you feel? Excited? Happy? Nervous? How do you think he will feel? Trust your instincts. And lots of luck!!!

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