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Is her being able to talk about sex with me a bad sign?

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We've been talking about sex lately - mainly me - and she doesn't seem too fazed by it.


We do have this thing going on where I will say a word and she'll completely lose it, and at one point she told me to stop because she couldn't stop laughing.



Is this a bad sign?


Could I be in her friendzone?

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Are you dating her and have you kissed her on the mouth? If so, you're not in the friendzone. If you haven't asked her on a date yet and kissed her afterwards so she knows it's romantic interest, then why are you talking about sex?


If you haven't asked her out on a real date, it's past time.

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Laughter is usually a good sign.



Mature people can discuss sex. Immature people stumble & giggle when the subject comes up especially if they like the other person. So this one depends . . .



If you haven't been on a date, set one up. If you have been on a date, make move already.

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How much experience does she have with dating and relationships? If she's rather inexperienced, I can well imagine that it's a nervous laughter. She may be very interested, but a little uncomfortable with the discussion...

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How much experience does she have with dating and relationships? If she's rather inexperienced, I can well imagine that it's a nervous laughter. She may be very interested, but a little uncomfortable with the discussion...


I asked about her past and she says she's never been in a relationship. I don't know how much experience in dating/sex she has.

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I asked about her past and she says she's never been in a relationship. I don't know how much experience in dating/sex she has.

maybe because no one really had any serious interest in her, or she hasn't met anyone she really likes.

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