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My GF tells me to chase her if I want her back

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1 month ago I break up with my GF because I get angry And we have a big fight so I tell her that I do not love her


but now i miss her a lot and we get along very good, she told me that we should start from the beggining as friends but she is not going to give me a date until I prove to her that I care about her , I already bring her flowers and a rabitt because she love animals and her pet died a few days ago I already apologize for what ive done, when her pet died I try to contact her and meet up with her but she ddint let me so I decided to go out with my firends instead of going with her because she lready tol me to not go with her


but she told me she is not going to date me until i text her, call her and visit her at her school a lot and prove I care abput her, but from what I learned in pick up if you chase a girl you become needy and it pushes her away far, but she text me somethings and calls come one or to times after we meet up as friends


So i was thinking i was going to text her, and call her one time to meet up as "friends" keeps things positive, and a little bit physical but with calibration see her reactions and all that because if I chase her alot the unique things it is going to do is to her to dont want me anymore I think:confused:

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You are only needy & pushy if you chase when the other person does NOT want you to.



Here this woman is demanding that you prove you care about it. Whether she's doing this to punish you, to make you atone for breaking up with her, or she really has no faith that you care based on your past actions I can't say.



But if you want her back, she has told you what to do. If you don't tow the line she had set out there, you will not reconcile. The risk is that once you let her set these rules it could become a pattern

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The thing is, you don't use "pick up" when you already have established a relationship. You are past that. Winning someone back is way different. You now have to earn her trust. You have to prove to her that you are serious, and want to do those things because you want to, and enjoy showing her your love for her. If you think you have to put on an "act" to get her back, then you are not worthy of a second chance.

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1 month ago I break up with my GF because I get angry And we have a big fight so I tell her that I do not love her


but now i miss her a lot and we get along very good, she told me that we should start from the beggining as friends but she is not going to give me a date until I prove to her that I care about her , I already bring her flowers and a rabitt because she love animals and her pet died a few days ago I already apologize for what ive done, when her pet died I try to contact her and meet up with her but she ddint let me so I decided to go out with my firends instead of going with her because she lready tol me to not go with her


but she told me she is not going to date me until i text her, call her and visit her at her school a lot and prove I care abput her, but from what I learned in pick up if you chase a girl you become needy and it pushes her away far, but she text me somethings and calls come one or to times after we meet up as friends


So i was thinking i was going to text her, and call her one time to meet up as "friends" keeps things positive, and a little bit physical but with calibration see her reactions and all that because if I chase her alot the unique things it is going to do is to her to dont want me anymore I think:confused:


You must be very young.


Young man, I m going to try to be as diplomatic as possible here. So here goes.


Obviously if you broke up with her you had at least one reason. In hindsight I suppose it may now seem like a bad reason to you, but a reason nonetheless.


That being said, after the die is already cast, do not stoop to such depths by chasing someone whom these demands are little more than a game that you really don't know the rules to. They could change on her part at any time,


So here is what you do....


Move on. And do it now. Going back and putting on the Knight in Shining Armor Routine without any real reason to be rewarded is a waste of your time.


You can meet someone else that won't make you jump through hoops.


All you will accomplish is putting your heart at the mercy of someone who can at any time pull the rug out from the exercise, chew you up, and spit you out. And you apologizing for bleeding on her shirt..


And at the end of the day you will be quickly reminded why you broke up with her in the first place.


Screw That Noise.


Go play the field with some other girls. If after a while you would want to go back to playing the game with this one, so be it.


But don't just cave right away. Explore your options and expand your horizons. Life is too short to be dancing to someone else's tune.

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Hi Hyo, how old are you? How old is your GF? If the two of you are very young then treat this as a learning lesson and move on to another girl. Alternatively, remain single, go out with your male friends, have a good time and if you run across your ex GF then just be friendly. If she is serious about you she will make a move on you. If not you have your answer and after a reasonable cooling off period you can start dating other girls. However, never take dictation from others. Warm wishes.

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