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It's not Incest, But would hooking up be too weird for our family?

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Well yesterday my brother got married. I was really emotional but my escort made me feel really comfortable. I will call him Nick. well, Nick is the bride's cousin. His mom and her mom are sisters, but the bride is very close to both of them. I saw this groomsman Nick last year after not seeing him for like 4 years. He had been so young then, I barely noticed him, but I do now!


Well, we make jokes a lot, but yesterday I think we both realized it's more. He told me about when he had a crush on me when he was like elevena and he was like "Mom, who is that? She's beautiful!"


He made me melt.


After all these years of thinking of him as a little brother, it's weird that I get all flusterd when I see him. Up until last night I just pretended that his flirty remarks were annoying or funny or whatever, but with all those emotions, last night I couldn't keep pretending.


No one picked up on our signals except for my six year old godson who teased us the whole night, singing "You two are in looooove!!!".


My mom treats him like a son and his mom treats me like daughter so it's really weird to think like this, but it's true.


What do you guys think?


Are we too closely emotionally related (even though we're not blood-related at all)


Thanks for your advice - I really need it!


God, I am so embarrassed to even admit this to anyone! I haven't told ANYONE!

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As long as you're the proper ages (meaning: he's not a 'minor' and you an 'adult', that sort of thing), and you're not blood related, go for it! I think it's really sweet. It might seem a little strange for your respective families.....but yours obviously likes him and vice versa......what more can you ask for!?!



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