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Hey my girlfriend gets jealous of when i do things with my older sister. we have a long distance relationship 1hr 30min away from each other and when we are back at college i see her 24 7 but i was telling her that i was going to the movies with my sister and the girl flips out and hangs up on me , im 21 and she is 19 my family says to drop her cause she acts like a baby but they know imma do what i feel i dont know she gets jealous of any women im around from my cousins , friends , to my sister...even actors she is way to possessive how do i resolve this issue cause i dont feel like arguing over something so childish or do i have to just do it and let her loose PLEASE HELP cause i really care about her

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heres the link to my topic. i think i could relate to your girlfriend. and u could talk to my ex/boyfriend (its still up in the air)


could we exchange emails?


hope to hear from you, it sounds like your girlfriend could be someone i could talk to.


p.s. i hope you didn't break up with her, unless she's doing it to spite you. if she's genuinely a nice person other than that u should stay with her and try to work things out if you love and care about her. p.s. how long have you been together???




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we have been together going on 1 year and 6 months and known each other for well over 2 years.

yes i do care for her and she is also my best friend i just dont know what to think i know that she is very insecure and extremely jealous ..thanks for you help cause i could use it right about now...cause i not the type of person that i would cheat on her and sometimes i dont think she realizes that. she can be dramatic she is a scorpio she i guess that tells you a little bit about her personality.

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