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Why do I feel like this about him?

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dingle berry

Ok... not sure what these feelings are but i met a guy that I have become close with more so aquaintances than anything else. I wasn't interested in him at first but he had been flirting with me and i got to know him a little bit better. I have had crushes before but never one like this. I think about him a lot. I think he is gorgeous. But i am not so much attracted to him physically. I am just so drawn to him that I cannot put my finger on what it is that I like about him so much. I am so delighted when I see him. He is the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing I think about before I go to bed.


However, I have had previous crushes that were much more intense than this. Although I think about him a lot, I still can't quite see what it is that I am so drawn to. It's like a magnetic field when I am around him. The other crushes that I have had before were more "physical" than emotional. I feel as though I am emotionally attracted to him as weel as physical. But the crush just isn't as intense as others. I feel as though I have "lusted" after my other crushes but with him I am very very intruiged by him and really want to get to know him more.


What exactly are these feelings that I have for this guy? I am not even sure cuz I have never felt this way about anyone. He just is a delight. and I am not sure.. maybe he's "the one"? Someone please xplain this to me... who else has gone through this? I am confused about my feelings and don't know if I should wait for him to make the first move or if I should or if I should let the feelings slide being they aren't as intense as i have had before? I am just confused? I am 24 and he is older and i like that. Maybe I see him as mature therefore I don't lust for him? And I really do like him? Not sure plese help.

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Because you did not have a physical relationship with him at first you were able to develop your emotional one. An emotional one may not be a intense at first but the effects can be far reaching. I think you have fell in love with him and this is why you feel as you do when he is around and you are so drawn to him.

A crush will be intense at first but if there is not an emotional connection it will usually die a slow death. On the other hand, an emotional connection that develops into a physical one can last a lifetime.


I would enjoy the feelings and that you have found someone that you connect on both levels. It is wonderful to have a best friend and lover.


Enjoy.. :love:

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