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New relationship

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Hi...I was married for 10 years and the girl i'm dating was married for 15 years. We both divorced because our partners were cheating..I have went out with several girls since my divorce,but none I have clicked with,we've both been divorced about a year,she has went out with guys,one that didn't work out and one that charmed her and then ripped her off for five thousand cash and disappered..that's just a little background..Now I'm madly in love with this woman,it was love at first sight for me,we've dated for 2months...At first her feelings for me were strong but after a couple of weeks she started backing off..I'm just head over heels for this girl..We were seeing each other about 4 times a week.Now I'm limited to about 3 hours sunday evening..she knows I'm crazy about her..she says she doesn't know how she feels ..or what she wants..when i ask her she says she doesn't really me..she says she doesn't care for me..and says after seeing me just on sundays for the last 3 weeks she doesn't miss me either..normally during the week I call her at least twice a day..but since sunday when i left her house at one.During our sunday visits we usually have great conversation and incredible sex..I'm crazy about this woman..Please help me understand if she really doesn't like me or if something else is going on. thanks

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What appears to be happening is she has someone else and sees them for the other time during the week.


Also she could have returned to her husband....


You have several choices at hand my friend:


1) Break it off with her and hope she'll come back...


2) Drive by her house during the week and see if another car is there...


3) Continue with her as you are and deal with what she puts out to you, like possibly some STD from the other person...or persons


4) Realize this relationship(?) isn't working and move ON!!!


5) Realize she playing you and just bag her, tell her to not call anymore that you need to get on with your LIFE...

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