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What do all of these stand for?

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Here all of these are




















What do these mean really? since I saw these on other site.


thank you very much!!

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I've not ever seen these before but I would like to guess what they mean:


OW Other Woman, Old Woman, Oral Wash, Oral Woman, Ouside Washington, Old Wine, Outdated Warranty, etc.


MMs Chocolate covered candies, plain and peanut, modern males, many men, I stutter, etc.


SGs Sensational Giveaways, Student Governments, Same Guys, Sucking Geese, Sizeable Gonads, etc.


STBDMM Seeya There But Don't Bring M&Ms, Senor Tony Be Da Main Man, etc.


XMM Former Main Man, newest football league,


W Woman, What?, Wimp, Waste, Wacko, Weakling, Waterford Crystal, Washington, Whoa!, Wachit, etc.


TOW Tiny Old Woman, Tony Owes Wanda, The Old Widow, Tacoma over Wake Forrest, what you have done to your car when it can't be started, etc.


MOW Mow the Lawn, Many Old Women, Mama's On The Way, Man Over Woman, short for MORE, etc.


BW Black and White, nice foreign car, BeWare, Beautiful Woman, Be Wise, etc.


I hope this was helpful. Now, see if you know what these are:
















Good luck!!!

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BS - Bad Shag LS/MFT - Lousy Shag/My First Time VSTD - Vicious Sexually Transmitted Disease NWJ - No Way, Jose! WYS - Wow, You're Shagadelic! DYKTWTSJ - Do You Know The Way To San Jose? MIBTC - Mojo Is Brilliant This Century Good luck!!!

so how did i go, tony? do i get a prize??? :)

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Actually, you didn't get every one of them....but you did extra well with the difficult ones for extra points.


As for the prize, that will be determined at a later date!!!

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How about you ask the people on the website you found them??? They would know more than anyone. No offense Tony and Mojo.

Here all of these are OW MMs SGs STBDMM XMM W TOW MOW BW What do these mean really? since I saw these on other site. thank you very much!!
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