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please help

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if someone could help me I would appreciate it. I have married for 25 years aam the mother of 6, 2 which have left the house. Thought our marriage was good, he had an alcohol problem but at he beginning of the year prettymuch kicked it, seemed happier seemed to enjoy life and our family time more I thought. last year when cleaning his dresser I fopund a bag of womens jewelery, when I questioned him he admitted that he wore it while excersising, I kind of let it go, big mistake yesteday I found a bag of womens sexy nightgowns and and underware, along with many pieces of womens jewelery, I am really scared I dont know if hes cross dressing or seeing someone else does anyone have any ideas?

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if someone could help me I would appreciate it. I have married for 25 years aam the mother of 6, 2 which have left the house. Thought our marriage was good, he had an alcohol problem but at he beginning of the year prettymuch kicked it, seemed happier seemed to enjoy life and our family time more I thought. last year when cleaning his dresser I fopund a bag of womens jewelery, when I questioned him he admitted that he wore it while excersising, I kind of let it go, big mistake yesteday I found a bag of womens sexy nightgowns and and underware, along with many pieces of womens jewelery, I am really scared I dont know if hes cross dressing or seeing someone else does anyone have any ideas?
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Number one, you only need to post once. Repeated comments are not going to make people want to write you more. You need to do either 3 things.


1. Straight out ask him what all of the items are. If they are his that he likes to wear or are they really another woman's items. Or maybe he wears them for someone else. Depending on his answer, you need to tell him right then how you feel about the situation and if you're gonna let him continue doing whatever it is or not.


2. You can tell him that maybe he needs some counseling and work out your problems together. And depending on his answer, same as above (tell him how you feel).


3. Call the Jerry Springer show and book a reservation for two. But I think they only take lower class people (trash). No offense if this is what you are.

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