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What can I say to her ? ...

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I have read past posts on how to go about in starting over


in a relationship that has been tainted by a one time


infedility. But now I need advice on what to say to a close


friend of mine who is experiencing these mixed feelings.


I know some might say to forget it and move on, but what if


she is in complete awe of him and feels for him truly in her


heart ?? He has come back into her life after a seven month


absence and has proven himself in regards to his sincerity


and what he feels for the future. He has respected her


by not inconveniencing her life after their turmoil. They


both have dated other people, but have not been able to


forget each other. And now he is yearning to start over


with her. And honestly, I believe he is being sincere with


his feelings towards her and wants a second chance.


I also believe they can be 100 times stronger than before,


especially because they have been talking for a month now


and have put all their issues "out on the table". She tells


me that she loves him , but feels confused about how to


allow her heart to win the battle against her brain. According to her he was her best friend and lover and was


the best boyfriend she has ever had. His issue was about how


he felt she never gave him a chance to win her heart because of her past relationship. You see, in her first


relationship her x had another woman for two years behind her back. One of the problems they had was how he felt,


because of her past, that she at times was cold hearted and how she was nonchalant about the relationship. She has


admitted to her lacking and that's why she's still talking to him, but he did hurt her. He was insecure about her feelings towards him.When they are together, they


are extremely powerful. I couldn't believe they had problems because they were perfect together. She says that as much as she loves him, she wants to make sure that this is for real because if she takes him back, it's forever.


They're both 28 years old.


I believe that they belong together. I need advice on what to say to her to make her realize that all she has to do is move forward and utilize the will to forget...start anew.


What do I say to her about her confusion?? I believe this specific relationship can be saved or else I would tell her to forget it. He was a great guy who protected himself the wrong way and has learned from his mistakes. She believes he's being sincere so what can I tell her to provide her


with some focus ??? I appreciate any strong and mature advice. Thanks for listening... Just a friend...

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