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Facial expression flirting......smile, wink ??

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Wasn't sure where to post this. She's a friend of 2 years.


I know her well and am well equiped to engage in verbal flirting with her. But I'd like to start with flirting facial expressions. Winks, smiles, certain looks, etc


Can anyone (ladies) tell me what of this sort of thing you enjoy having done...not done?


(Men) what of this topic have you tried, did it go over well, or not?

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Eye contact is the key. If I am 'flirt' friends with someone, and engaging in some harmless flirting the eye contact will be frequent but not lingering. If I want more, or if he/she wants more the eye contact comes in the same flirting context but it will be sustained and purposeful. Here is something that worked on me once:


I was with a guy, just joking around, laughing and smiling and flirting playfully - the attraction was mutual but not tapped yet. At one point though, he got right up in my personal space and looked down right into my eyes, pushed a strand of hair from my face and leaned in and said in a half whisper right into my ear: "You are beautiful". After all that playing around, to have him do that - to capture the moment just right and look right down into my eyes with that 'kiss' look and a fairly serious look on his face - man, that just made my knees go weak. That's when it went from 'playful' to 'purposeful'. No doubt about it.


I guess you could work up similar ways to get in her personal space like that and try some intense eye contact. Basically the sort you do just before you kiss someone. A warning signal would be if she avoids the eye contact you are trying to give her or subtly moves away from you as you get closer. If she mirrors your movements and signals then you are good to go. I wouldn't do it though, if you aren't getting the 'ok' signals to do so. A move like that will bomb if you aren't getting receptive signals first.

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Originally posted by cottage

She's a friend of 2 years.


I know her well and .....


I dunno, if you know her well as a friend already, it's usually very difficult to cross the line; it might even look corny if you tried.

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Smiling sure, eye contact sure.


I find that a lustful look, timed right, has gone over good.


Don't do it right away...you're marked as a lech.

Is the woman in a commited happy relationship....don't bother.


If she's free and pleasant with you, give her the lustful look to the body, then bring yours to hers, give a half smile, maybe a wink, then pull back.

See how she likes this.


If you've been friends for some time...she may want to think this over, nothing too spontaneous.

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Recently I let my expensive car do the flirting.


Form a mental connection to her, mirror her emotions, feel her pleasures, and pain. Let your eyes and smile/frown convey that you feel exactly as she does.


If you read that all this is effecting her.....move on to that lustful look detailed above. keep it brief.

If all is going well, say time to go, head for the door, turn sigh , give her a hug, then head for the door.


Hope she stops you, but if not, at least you've laid the ground work.

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Originally posted by cottage

Wasn't sure where to post this. She's a friend of 2 years.


I know her well and am well equiped to engage in verbal flirting with her. But I'd like to start with flirting facial expressions. Winks, smiles, certain looks, etc


Can anyone (ladies) tell me what of this sort of thing you enjoy having done...not done?


(Men) what of this topic have you tried, did it go over well, or not?

After 2 years of friendship, and you started doing winks, smiles, and other weird facial expressions, that are out of character - I would run!!!

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Those hard, intense stares can easily be mistaken for dislike. If I caught a glimpse of some bloke glowering at me from the other side of a crowded room, I'd assume he was someone I'd unwittingly crossed or offended in the past - and I'd make a point of steering clear of him.


Cheeky, flirty smirks together with a bit of eye-locking, interspersed with some genuinely shy moments are far more promising and seductive :)

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just to add :


You say you know her well, and are able to flirt in words.


This makes me wonder if you are having an on-line romance.


Have you met this girl in-person???....

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Hold eye contact with her - this is a major thing! When in a conversation look into her eyes just enough so she looks back but u dont want to have some stupid expression on ur face when shes talking to u and ur looking blank. When you are with people and u r in a conversation with all of them, every now and then look into her eyes and smile so she realises u r looking at her more than others. Obviously if she doesnt do anything in return then u may need to try a few different things but i find this works for me.

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Marble shorts
Originally posted by april

just to add :


You say you know her well, and are able to flirt in words.


This makes me wonder if you are having an on-line romance.


Have you met this girl in-person???....

Yes I know her face to face.


Gold Pile, I just may go for that arm wrestle...could pass it off as a dumb game if nothing comes of it.


I have some good advice here (hope for more please) I may try soon.

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