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Still in love with my ex, but she's now dating one of my closest friends

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My best friend is now dating my ex. This wouldn't be a problem but I still love her. Since this has happened it has intensified anything I felt for her before. They have been dating for about three weeks now, and I have talked to both of them about what I feel. Neither give me a good response. My friend says he finally found somebody that has the qualities that he looks for, and my ex says that she still cares about me but can't do anything because it wouldn't be fair to my friend. The way I look at it though is when it comes to love, that is what you trust. It shouldn't matter if you like somebody if you love another person.


To give you some background information I really messed things up. For the past year I have been trying to forget about this girl. She is my first for everything. The thing is, we go to different colleges, seperated by about an hour and a half. Throughout the past year I have seen her off and on for a few days, about every one or two months because I couldn't stand to not be around her. So, with all of what happened she lost trust in me. Before that we were together for two years, and now it really hurts to see her with somebody else..especially one of my closests friends.


So, I guess what I'm trying to get at is what should I do now? I have already told both of them a few times how I feel about her. It's not really in my personality to just wait around. I think too much and can't cope with things already, so more time would just hurt even more. How do I gain back trust with somebody I can't see that much? If I do get some trust back, do I push the issue of how much I care for her? I've already pushed some, but I don't want to hurt my friend, even though it seems to me along with other people that he pretty much stabbed me in the back. I'm open to all suggestions.

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OK I am a girl that is dating an ex's best friend. First off they didn't ask your permission? if they did then well and you said yes you have to move on. If they didn't ask you, you still have to move on but maybe they really aren't your friends. I think she will always have feelings for you but you hurt her you said you messed up right? well its hard to say this and I am sure its hard to hear but you snooze you loose! You might have had a great girl and your best friend knew it and snatched her right up. But now all you can do is look at it for whats its worth. You learned that when another good girl that you care about comes around you don't let he go. You work hard even when you don't have the energy to work hard. Thats how relationships work and last!


Maybe you want her because now you can't have her. And not only you can't have her now but your best friend has her now. He knows what she is like and he loves her or likes her alot! I think you should wish them the best and deal with it your way. Even if that means you can't be around them. Then you have to move on and let go.


I love the guy that I was with the ex. But now that i am dating his best friend I couldn't imagine ever being with him again. I care about him and only want him to be happy. But now my heart only wants his friend. Its weird its hard but sometimes thats just how the cookie crumbles!


good luck

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and my ex says that she still cares about me but can't do anything because it wouldn't be fair to my friend. The way I look at it though is when it comes to love, that is what you trust. It shouldn't matter if you like somebody if you love another person.


This is very true so she does not love you. She's just trying to be nice and let you off easy.

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So you guys think I should just forget about everything? If I do that, it seems as though it would be extremely uncomfortable hanging around when they are together, but I don't want to seem like a jerk. What do I do about that situation?

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You move on. And if its to hard to hang out with them now or ever then you don't. Its your life and if this is how they want it then its time for you to move on.

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My best friend is now dating my ex


Goes to show how much they respected you! Why would you want these types of people in your life?


I couldn't even finish reading because you must be blind to not see what's right in front of you.

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