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Very Confused

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Very Confused

hello everyone....i kinda have a problem, it seems every girl i meet i end up being just friends with them...it kinda suucks on my part to since i am 18 and have realy haven't had a serious girlfriend. i am/was in summer/fall sports and did well academically but i just am a moron when it comes to relationships other than friendly ones. i aint no ugly bastard either if thats wha runs through a few of your minds, since i am 6'4 200 muscular, which many have said i looked good, but i just cant get it right. i could dwell into my latest shortcoming thus far, but i know i probably screwed that one up since I cant really muster the guts to talk to her at school, but it seems i can talk to everyone else....even though i didnt talk to her at school, i do talk to her online...nice irony, we have been talking like that for like a year. i guess one of my questions is probably is it still worth asking her to do something? anyways helpful hints and ideas could help me i guess. later folks - thanks for your time in reading this

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I'm wondering...do ask girls out on dates or do you just hang out with them?


If you just hang out with them, then I can see where you may end up only being friends. If they are turning you down for dates, that's another story.


As far as this girl you are on the computer with...have you ever asked her to go on a date? If not, I don't think it is too late.


If you have been going out on dates, maybe you are waiting too long to ask them out. You should start off with a friendly relationship. But if there is something more there for you then you need to let her know it in a gentlemanly fashion. Don't just let it remain a 'friends only' relationship if you want more from it. That doesn't mean you will get what you want - this time. But keep trying and you'll find one as interested in you, as you are of them.

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