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ex asks me for sex


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My ex boyfriend and I keep on IMing almost every other day. He will often asks me if I want to come over and have sex in a playful way. This guy is so good looking he can get sex from any girl but he always begs to have sex with me. I of course say no but is this his way of wanting to get closer to me? He has a very high sex drive and I always flirt with him and such. It seems a lot of his relationships with women are dictated by sex. I am not sure what to make of this. Is this his way of flirting with me or is it his way of just getting sex. I heard that men bond physically. Is that true? For now I am enjoying the IMing and he always tells me about his life and I will comment and it's like we're becoming good friends. I think that's the most effective way and it's nice to know he's still attracted to me. What do you all think, he's just usingme for hopeful sex or is it he's trying to give me a hint he's still interested and into me and it's like we're flirting and starting all over again.

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He already knows your body, and you know his and he doesn't have to worry about the awkward 'getting to know you' sex. Its the best of both worlds for him: he gets to anticipate having great sex without the hassle of actually having a relationship. If you are ok with this and decide to have sex with him, proceed with caution but don't mistake this for anything but what it is: 'friends with benefits'.

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if you know he has a high sex drive i think he just wants to be able to have sex anytime he wants and maybe he feels he can get that from you.....maybe he doesn't know how to ask to be FWB

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