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This girl is dumb

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I've had it. I don't know what to think. My best female friend knows that I am in love with her. She has known ever since she left her live in boyfriend. That was maybe 4 months ago. All of a sudden, she completely ignores me and refuses to answer my calls. I got the hint. I had a feeling that she was going back to her cheating bf. I was right. I guess she is not as smart as I thought she was. It sucks but I have to live with it. I hadn't talked to her or seen her for over a month. Slowly but surely I was moving on. Then all of a sudden, she starts to call me like nothing has happened. Since we started to talk again, it seems as though I have taken three steps back as far as moving on. My question: Why would she do this?? Why wouldn't she just leave me alone? Does she have feelings for me or do I have just false hope?

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My guess is she's known (as you've said) that you have romantic feelings for her, but she doesn't feel the same.. hence the reason the 2 of you have remained friends but nothing more...


Then you add to this the fact that her BF cheated on her (right?) she obviously told you about it because you're her best friend and she wanted some support and comfort... so you give her that BUT she isn't ready to leave this guy alone... she knows you didn't and don't approve, and rather than tell you whats going on (in regards to her taking him back) she says nothing because A) She again knows you disapprove B) Knows you have romantic feelings for her and C) May feel silly for taking him back after she raked him over the coals to you....


My 2 cent's

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why not directly just ask her what's up? explain all that you said above. about her refusing to contact you even though she knows that you love her. sometimes just putting things out in the open, laying it all on the table, helps clear alot up. it might give you better piece of mind too. plus have you ever tried contacting her before, or has it been all her?

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That one word describes the philosophy you need to adopt in this case, at least IMHO.




Move on my man, plenty of nice girls around.


Go find yourself one ... oh, and NEVER be caught in the "friends" zone again. Tis a truly foolish place to be.



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