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would it work?

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I would like some advice please.

Ok well my life might have a big chance. My bf of 2 1/2 years wants to join the air force. Unable to find a job around our small little town and doesn't want to go back to school. He is 21 and I am 20. So when he joins he’ll have 6 weeks in training and then will be based somewhere.

He wants to get married and I go with him so will have more benefits.

We live with my family right now and I would be very scared about leaving my little town. Scared of leaving my mother and scared of leaving my work and university to start a whole new life!

the only plus side of this is -- if the base was close to a university that had my major and also he told me I wouldn’t not have to work. All I would have to do is concentrate on school.

If this was to happen it would be about 4-6 months a way. Should I go for it or tell him to just go. If he just goes I have a feeling that we will brake up and might not have a chance in the future. I don't know if he will go with out me because he said he wouldn’t.


I have been in a bad mood lately. I don’t know if it is because I don’t want this to happen or if it is because he wants to go alone.

The past two days we have be fighting. I’m afraid we are about to break up after all we’ve been through. I don’t know if I’m ready for this. Has anyone else had any major changes in there lives similar to this?

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I am about to do something similar to this situation u r in. I am in a LDR. My man is in america, and i am in aust. I have to move over there to be with him... (long story) but yeah, i am going to leave everything i know to be with this man who i love. I am going to study from aust while i live there, and hopefully get a job part time and live with my man.

No one knows the future, no one can predict what is going to happen, i am just praying that this is what life has in store for me, and its all going to work out.

Leaving everything u know is going to be hard. Leaving ur mum is going to be the hardest thing ever, but think of it like an experience. Whats the worst thing that can happen? you guys break up and u move home? at least u can then say that u tried right? life is all about learning, learning what u want, and learning about what it takes to grow up and make life changing decisions.


IMO, if u can study there, not have to work, be with ur bf, then what do u have to lose?


I think u should go ahead with it.... might open up a whole new world for the 2 of u!!!!

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