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To David Gevert

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Hey Dave,


I read your post below. I am in the same situation as you are in. I date my Ex, and we do go out and kiss and cuddle and all, and both of us are in denial, meaning neither of us want to come off as boyfriend/girlfriend, simply because I think both of us are afraid that we will lose each other again. SO right now we are keeping distance from each other. We call each other maybe once or twice a week and hang out on weekends, and end up fooling around and all. It is somewhat cool.I know it kind of sucks when you don't know where you really stand, but hey, enjoy the moment!



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Yes, enjoy the moment...of course. But I think this friends with benefits thing can end up hurting one or both parties more than the break up of a healthy relationship gone sour.


Two people who are together in a vague relationship in which there is shared intimacy but little else to define the package are clouding the essence of what it means to be a couple.


Yes, it's fine for the moment and it should be. But a price will be exacted at some point. There will be pain and hurt. And it will happen suddently, most likely when one finds another with whom he/she wants to have much more than an ill-defined relationship with stand-offs and sex intermittently woven into a fabric of confusion and fun.

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