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Trust in general


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After my ex promised babies n marriage n slowly changed his mind... i have trouble knowing who i can trust.


I thought i could trust my ex not to ever hurt or dissapoint me. I was wrong.


So now, formerly a very trusting person, find myself second guessing everyone. For the first time in my life i kind of worrg that ppl in general cant be trusted. I used to trust until proven otherwise... not now

I mean all ppl in life. Colleagues, strangers etc...


I do have trustworthy parents and 2-3 trustworthy friends but i dont think i trust ppl in general any more


Any thoughts? Can anyone relate?

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It's foolish to believe a person will never ever hurt us. Perhaps they won't But there are no guarantees in life.


The trick is to have resilience. To know that you can come back after adversity and you'll be OK.

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First you need to realize that your EX is one person. Just because he hurt you doesn't mean everyone will.


I start out neutral toward most people. I don't trust them but I don't think they are trying to hurt me or lie to me. I sit. I interact. I watch. I see what they do & how they act. Slowly I learn to trust them or I realize I can't & behave accordingly.

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