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Reading sign from girls.

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Is that a good sign though?


No. It's her friends continuing to play cruel practical jokes on you because they know you like her but she lost interest because you haven't made a mature confident move.


That ship has now sailed. She sees you as immature. You have grown unattractive in her eyes because you failed to take action months ago.

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I like this girl and I think she knows. We live in a dorm and she’s my neighbor.


I’ve had good chats with her out at the pub and I really felt she enjoyed talking to me.


One night I messaged her “Did you get back safely hun? Just making sure.” She replied the next morning “I did! Thanks for checking up on me.”

One time, she came in my room asking how she looked and used my mirror for a bit.


One night, I told her that I've knocked on her door a couple of times for a chat and she told me to message her if there’s no answer.

I messaged her one night. “Feel like company for a bit?” She replied in the morning, “Sorry Nick. I was fast asleep when you sent this.” I know she was asleep.


I messaged her one night asking what she's up to. She said she got back from work and was chilling in her friends room. I asked her to come chat if she wanted to. She ended up coming for a second, but not sure if she did because she saw my fb message. She said "Hey. I'm exhausted. Fell asleep in my friend's room. What are you doing for the weekend." I said Dunno. There's no more football. It's gonna be horrible". She said "yeah. Nothing on tv too. I'm going home tomorrow, but back Sunday." We just said night.


One time I saw her as she was going in her room. We had a good 5 min social chat. During the talk, she either used her hand to keep her door open or me using my foot. She didn't smile, but did make eye contact. I put my hand against the wall to lean on and her eyes opened wider a little for a second at that exact moment.


What do you make of her eyes getting bigger? She hasn't given me an indication she wants me to back off has she? Is this situation looking bad? Should I stop trying and why?


I say the following with the utmost respect, but based upon what you wrote, she is not now nor was she ever interested in you.


Let's breakdown the doorway conversation. She is holding onto the door--this is a very defensive position. You used your foot to encroach into her personal space--an offensive positioning. When you encroached further into her personal space, her eyes got wide because she likely was afraid you may attempt to sexually assault her. She kept her eyes on you because she was nervous. Her eyes were not enlarged by lust but out of fear. Not good signs.


She came over to be nice to you in the previous instance, her prompt exit demonstrated it was more out of courtesy than out of desire. She used your mirror; my neighbor asked me to borrow a few tools. I highly doubt he is into me. She told you to message her, so she can explain to you why she did not answer her door instead of having to answer the door or you put her on the spot with the question.


When a girl is interested in you--even those that are painfully shy--she will communicate interest in developing a relationship. You will catch her staring at you; she will start bumping into in random places; she will find excuses to come knock on your door; she may not initiate conversations, but she will make herself available for you to.


As a general rule, if reading signs from a girl is harder to figure out than a Rubik's Cube she is not into you. Even shy girls will be more overt than leaving handles in positions in the bathroom. If that is a sign, then everything you see can possibly be interpreted as some signal. Think about it, you seem very shy and subtle but have made it obvious you would like to get to know her better by inviting her over and attempting conversation with her; she has not ever reached out to you.


My point is there is a huge difference between being shy and acting disinterested. She has a few friends and goes to pubs, she cannot be that shy whereby her personality is such that it appears she is avoiding you like the plague. I get girls can be nervous, especially if they're very into a guy, but again, there is a gulf between nervousness and indifference.


I agree with others--her friends are having fun at your expense. Don't let them emotionally steal on you like that. Don't be fodder for their entertainment. They sound like a$$h@l3s and are terribly immature if they find messing with you like this pleasurable. Stand up for yourself and walk away.


I'm sorry dude.

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It's becoming pretty clear she is in on the joke.


Maybe it's pay back for when you scared her.


Before you learn to read signs as your title says maybe you should look into what your body language and actions express to people.

I think you must have creeped her out.


if you had had the guts to ask her out when you first were attracted you'd know for sure and none of this would have happened.

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So I've had 2 shows. The two dedications from the my crush and her friend were for the first show. The one on the 19th was for the second show.


So, now there have been three dedications. And you originally thought the first one was from her, the second from her best friend, and the third you didn’t know who it was from. Ok.


But now, you don’t think that any of them were from her or her best friend. Are you sure it’s not your friends messing with you? There’s an awful lot of middle school behavior going on in this dorm.


Is that a good sign though?


If you all are 14, it’s a good sign. If you’re 22, it’s a bad sign.


Why weren’t you there? If your friend was there and knew she was going to be there he should’ve invited you so that you would have a chance to talk to your crush. Maybe he has a crush on her too.

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If you all are 14, it’s a good sign. If you’re 22, it’s a bad sign.


Why weren’t you there? If your friend was there and knew she was going to be there he should’ve invited you so that you would have a chance to talk to your crush. Maybe he has a crush on her too.


My friend wasn't there. He got it on snapchat. It was at the uni so I didn't need to be invited. I could have gone there if I wanted, but I was watching a soccer game. But if I was there, I'm pretty sure her friend wouldn't have sent the snapchat to my friend.

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My friend wasn't there. He got it on snapchat. It was at the uni so I didn't need to be invited. I could have gone there if I wanted, but I was watching a soccer game. But if I was there, I'm pretty sure her friend wouldn't have sent the snapchat to my friend.


If you actually are 22, this whole thing is really sad. Can you not see how bad you look in this situation? Everyone is mocking you and egging you on to act so that they can laugh at you more. You seem oddly unconcerned by that which makes me think that this happens to you all the time. And there's probably a reason for that. I'm willing to bet that IRL your behavior must be excessively creepy and weird which is why no one feels bad for treating you this way.


I'll say it again, there is no chance you will get with this girl. Leave her alone and reclaim some of your dignity. Also, stop trusting your "friends" so much because they're the ones sending fake dedications, and snapchats, and phone numbers, and conveniently gossiping about you when they know you're in the hallway in order to rile you up so that you continue to make a fool of yourself because you think you have a shot with this girl. Just stop.

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If you actually are 22, this whole thing is really sad. Can you not see how bad you look in this situation? Everyone is mocking you and egging you on to act so that they can laugh at you more. You seem oddly unconcerned by that which makes me think that this happens to you all the time. And there's probably a reason for that. I'm willing to bet that IRL your behavior must be excessively creepy and weird which is why no one feels bad for treating you this way.


I'll say it again, there is no chance you will get with this girl. Leave her alone and reclaim some of your dignity. Also, stop trusting your "friends" so much because they're the ones sending fake dedications, and snapchats, and phone numbers, and conveniently gossiping about you when they know you're in the hallway in order to rile you up so that you continue to make a fool of yourself because you think you have a shot with this girl. Just stop.


Actually most people like me. They see me as the really nice, quite, shy guy that doesn't talk much. Everyone says I'm a great bloke. But that doesn't count for much when it comes to this situation.

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Actually most people like me. They see me as the really nice, quite, shy guy that doesn't talk much. Everyone says I'm a great bloke. But that doesn't count for much when it comes to this situation.


Well, I hope that’s true and that you do have genuine friends. I would have a very hard time trusting anyone in that dorm if I were you.


To avoid this situation in the future, be confident and ask out the girls that you’re interested in right away.

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A mate of mine was there and said she knew it happened. So does it mean anything that she agreed to let me know her number?

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How do you know it's her number?

It could be anyone's that she has left a v-mail message on - going by all the history of pranking here it's pretty much bound to be the case.


And, I presumed you already had her number anyway as you said you were messaging her in your first post.


Just abort this.

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How do you know it's her number?

It could be anyone's that she has left a v-mail message on - going by all the history of pranking here it's pretty much bound to be the case.


And, I presumed you already had her number anyway as you said you were messaging her in your first post.


Just abort this.


It was through Facebook message and im 100% it's her number.

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Why don't you just ask her out? Or do nothing and move one with your life. I don't understand the usefulness of your endless attempts at interpreting her smoke signals.

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It was through Facebook message and im 100% it's her number.


You were equally convinced that she sent the first song dedication…you were wrong.


You don’t know that she agreed to anything, but you believe it because this friend told you so? The people in this dorm, for whatever reason, won’t let this “joke” die and for you to keep believing them makes you look gullible, to say the least.


Go ahead and call it if you want to, and if she answers, ask her out. Don’t text, because any of your “friends” could be answering the text messages.


Have you wondered why this girl would ask her friend to send your friend her number to give to you when she could just contact you on Facebook whenever she wants? But, she hasn’t…which means she doesn’t want to.

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You were equally convinced that she sent the first song dedication…you were wrong.




So OP, I'm guessing you are leaving some info out again so I will ask again.

How do you know 100% it's her number?


Like I said earlier it could be someone else's number where for the wind up they have allowed her to leave a message on their phone. Just because it's her voice doesn't mean it's her phone.

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Ok. I can't be 100% sure it is her phone. But what if it is her phone? According to you guys it doesn't make a difference, does it?

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I used a private number to call. It went to her voicemail, so it turns out it really was her number.


Ok. I can't be 100% sure it is her phone. But what if it is her phone? According to you guys it doesn't make a difference, does it?



Which is it? Did you call the # from a private # & get her voice mail or are you guessing / hoping it's her #? You also said something about Facebook. If all you have is the random # FB assigned to her, you still don't really have HER actual cell phone # which means this is more likely a continuation of the practical joke the whole dorm seems to be in on. You are being punked. Just let this go already.


When is your break again? You need to get away from these people. There is nothing here for you except humiliation.

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It doesn't make an awful lot of difference providing you now realise it's all a wind up.

I'm 95% sure she is in on it, she possibly even started it.


Unless you are, as usual, missing lots of things out when posting here.

You're very difficult o communicate with - one minute you're 100% sure, the next you are not 100% sure.

It's incredibly difficult to advise you on here when you choose to say something that isn't the truth.

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Which is it? Did you call the # from a private # & get her voice mail or are you guessing / hoping it's her #? You also said something about Facebook. If all you have is the random # FB assigned to her, you still don't really have HER actual cell phone # which means this is more likely a continuation of the practical joke the whole dorm seems to be in on. You are being punked. Just let this go already.


When is your break again? You need to get away from these people. There is nothing here for you except humiliation.


To clear things up.


1. The voicemail was definitely her voice saying her name.


2. I have only ever messaged her using facebook messenger.


3. No one in the dorm is involved except her and me.


4. The friends I have mentioned are either her friends or my friends.


5. One of her best friends sent the snapchat with her number to my friend to tell him to tell me to call the number.


6. This might be irrelevant, but I do not have snapchat.


Surely she knows I'm into her by now.

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The women lives next door, she goes to the same pub and we are now going down the "is it her number or not" rabbithole.

Nick needs to bite the bullet and just ask her out in person.

There is then no doubt it is her and no risk of inadvertently speaking to those who wish to make mischief.

She can say yeah or nay and all is sorted out.

He is not going to risk his life if he asks her out, the worst she can do is to say no.

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If you are convinced that you are not being punked by your friends (a conclusion I do not agree with), when are you going to actually talk to her early in the evening while sober?


Until you do that, nothing will change.

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I spoke to a mate who used to get with her. He said that she's a quiet girl and hides behind her friend. But although i only see her with her friends, I see her as one of the most outgoing and talkative people out there. Everyone says she's one of the nicest girls out there as well.


Anyway, as far as im concerned, it doesn't matter if I'm getting punked or not. She most likely knows i like her, so the ball's in her court.

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She most likely knows i like her, so the ball's in her court.




She has no idea because you haven't been man enough to make things clear. She is embarrassed because you haven't made a move.


If you think the ball is in her court you will never get to go out with her, because a). the ball is in your court & has never left and b). she won't pick it up & run with it because you are the guy. She wants you to man up & make a move. Until you do, nothing will change.

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