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Freshman year of college, fell in love for the first time, then.....


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Freshman year of college, fell in love for the first time, spent everyday with my boyfriend until I found messages of him and another girl texting. At the time I was sitting on this girls lap in the car next to my boyfriend while he was texting her to come over after I went home.. I was heart broken...


The thing was we had both saved up all year to go to Japan together and I found these messages 1 month before... the airlines also said they wouldn't remburst my flight.. so I went... it was great but horrible.. i was not over it to say the least, but after my 2 months in Japan I was still completely in love with him...


When we got home I told him I just couldn't get over the messages, he cried for an hour.. and so did I.. . I didn't want to break up. I just couldn't get over it.. I came up with the idea of a break... which . I was a wreck on our break..I partied everyday to stop missing him.. which is stupid but I'm 21, I it was summer, and all my friends are alcoholics.. during this time I meet someone else..


I broke up with my boyfriend because of this other person.. however instead of helping me get over my ex he made me miss him more.. I tried to get back with him. He never forgave me though.. He didn't take me back and it's been over one year and I still miss him everyday. He's with someone else and happy..


I do my best to avoid him but I live on an island, not many places to go.. I made new friends but I still see him st least once a week. I use to leave bars crying if I ran into him.. sometimes I still do..I'm driving my self into a depression, I try to surf and work out to keep my self distracted.. but every single day I miss him. Every day.


I've tried dating and no one seems to interest me.. now I just go out all the time to distract my self which isn't healthy.. I don't really have any family and he was really all I had.. I always told my self that I would just have to make it one year and I'll be fine.. but It's been almost a year and a half..I still love him.


When does it stop :/

Edited by a LoveShack.org Moderator
Paragraphs, edit title for clarity
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It stops when you knock him off the pedestal on which you have placed him. he was cheating on you. He has no respect for you. Why are you continuing to cry over a boy (college freshman are boys, not men) who treated you so poorly?



Make some lists.



1. All the reasons he is bad for you. I'll give you the first 2: he lied to you & he cheated on you.



2. All the reasons you are better off apart.



3. All the things you want to accomplish now.



After you brainstorm on the first two, re-read them periodically. Meanwhile work to do all the things on list # 3.

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If you have to see him often maybe a move is in order


My ex didn't even live with me in the same country but I couldn't get over all the places we went together when he was here I sulked about the past so much seeing those places


I moved cities maybe a change of setting is for you

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If you have to see him often maybe a move is in order


My ex didn't even live with me in the same country but I couldn't get over all the places we went together when he was here I sulked about the past so much seeing those places


I moved cities maybe a change of setting is for you

She can't just up & change colleges at this point but perhaps finding a new circle of friends would be beneficial.

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She can't just up & change colleges at this point but perhaps finding a new circle of friends would be beneficial.


Never know I have a child had a job a home different city I up and changed everything in a matter of a month tossed it all into the wind it's all really on how much you want the change and how important it is to you.

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