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What do men get by being married these days?

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Originally posted by alphamale

Hmm lets seee, you have:


- they bitchy wife whos always in a bad mood

- hubbie who gets no sex except on rare occasion

- meddling in-laws

- a moronic sibling who messes everything up

- kids that misbehave all the time


sounds pretty real-life to me! :)

How would you know? I thought you were divorced. Besides, your married life is what you make it........sounds like you didn't or your ex wife didn't put too much into yours......
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Originally posted by alphamale

Hmm lets seee, you have:


- they bitchy wife whos always in a bad mood

- hubbie who gets no sex except on rare occasion

- meddling in-laws

- a moronic sibling who messes everything up

- kids that misbehave all the time


sounds pretty real-life to me! :)


I don't know ANY families like that, and I know a LOT of families.


Did you grow up in a household like that? Did you have meddling grandparents? Did you misbehave all the time? (if so, why?) Did you have an aunt or uncle who was a moron and messed everything up all the time? Was your mom bitchy? Was your dad?

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He's just bitter because theirs actually people out there that have a good marriage and have soulmate forever when all he has is a black book and a pen scratching off the girl he slept with night before and calling the next one.


Alpha, in every marriage their are ups and downs but what makes it work is the fact that the most important thing is respect. It's obvious you have this image of what a wife is because you seemed to pick a bad apple. Not all marriages are bad, some are actually extremely healthy and happy.

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It's no longer 'LOVE'Shack. It's 'Bitter-Cynical-Men-Venting-Their-Spleen' Shack and it's Sooooooooo Olllllllld.


Bitter cynical man:

"Blahblahblah women are horrible"


Sensible men and women:

"no they're not"



'yes they are'



'no they're not'



'yes they are'



'no they're not'



'yes they are'



'no they're not'



'yes they are'



'no they're not'



'yes they are'



'no they're not'



'yes they are'



'no they're not'



655 posts and two weeks later, another new thread:


Bitter cynical man:

"Blahblahblah women are horrible"


Sensible men and women:

"no they're not"




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Originally posted by alphamale

- hubbie who gets no sex except on rare occasion


I'm gonna have to disagree here Alpha... I was married for 5 years and had sex at least twice a day ( and more on the weekends) All the way till the day of our seperation..


I alway's thought that was normal

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LMAO. "no they're not" "Yes they are"


Sounds like something coming out of my little ones' video game fights.


Husband likes:


meals made

lunch made

unlimited oral (and regular) sex

cuddle buddy

shared expenses

someone to share day-to-day work gripes & details with (who knows all the players)

unlimited sex

weekend family routines

feeling of home.


I like:

unlimited oral sex.


It's a win-win.

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Originally posted by New_Wife

LMAO. "no they're not" "Yes they are"


Sounds like something coming out of my little ones' video game fights.


Husband likes:


meals made

lunch made

unlimited oral (and regular) sex

cuddle buddy

shared expenses

someone to share day-to-day work gripes & details with (who knows all the players)

unlimited sex

weekend family routines

feeling of home.


I like:

unlimited oral sex.


It's a win-win.


You seem to have a good marriage! :D

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if a man doesn't get shafted during the marriage he'll definitely get shafted after the marriage dissolves, which is 60% of the time.

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Originally posted by tanbark813

Because, call me naive, but I like the old-fashioned idea of creating a family and being the head of it.

You mean the patriarchal idea that men are superior to women and need to lead them otherwise they woudn't move their big butt from the sofa and let the kids starve to death? Aha.


I would like to find a woman to call my own who would feel honored to take my last name rather than consider it a legal inconvenience and be worried about what her single, overly feminist girlfriends will say about it.

Honored???? Buddy, what do you think you are? A prize? This is such a one-sided thing that puts the emphasis on you alone instead of on you and your partner.


You think that her taking a name is so important, but that's just because you grew up to believe that this is the way things have to be. I'm not sure about other Asian countries but for Vietnam (which is certainly not known for being under the brutal rule of feminists) I can say that women there just keep their maiden name and nobody considers this to be an affront to the man.


I don't like my name, it's one of these names that no one can pronounce, but I consider it part of my cultural heritage and I wouldn't give it up just because some guy with inferior complexes is not able to cope with the fact that marriage is not about the man owing a woman.


It would be nice to have a solid commitment with someone I know I can trust for life and know that she won't run off to f*ck other dudes should some financial burden befall the family.

Well, I'm pretty sure I'm not going to do this but this has nothing to do whether I keep my name or take my husband's name. You will be bitterly disappointed if you try to approach the problem of checking for the existence of integrity or lack of it by observing a woman's willingness to take your name or not.


Most women don't like cooking and cleaning, because usually they are not only cooking and cleaning but also working because their husband is not earning enough to sustain a whole family. What I have seen is, men like the second income that their women provide, what they don't like though is sharing the chores.


And let me tell you cooking and cleaning is NOT a very fulfilling work and that's why you guys don't like doing it, so please, stop this hypocrisy.

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Do you have every single statistic memorized or what? :rolleyes:


Your facts and figures are shakey to say the least.....or you're some kind of prodigy, one or the other.......

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Oh Alpha. (insert big sigh)


Who doesn't get shafted in a divorce? It's the death of a dream. Do you really picture 60% of women merrily skipping away going "Yippeee, my hopes and dreams were shattered but I got a nice car!"??


If so, perhaps you should found the Hateshack instead.

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Originally posted by Moose

or you're some kind of prodigy, one or the other.......


He is Super Alpha .. He can climb tall women .. Scale the fat ones and Fu** the ugly ones ..:laugh:

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My wife doesn't cook, not big on cleaning (we have a maid), and the sex is certainly not as frequent as I would like, and we have yet to have any kids and I make twice the money she does. Do I feel like by getting married I gained something despite all the things I'm not getting....sure I do. I did the single thing and I had a lot of fun. But at the end of the day all the hype about being single fell short compared to what being in committed relationship did for me.


Do I think marriage is for every guy, absolutely not. Marriage for some is like having kids for others...it isn't a one size fits all gig that every guy should do. All I know is that by myself I am not half the man that my wife helps me to be. She is my motivation, my strength, my shoulder, my cheering section, my listener, my everything! So ya I would venture to say that I gained something by getting married. :bunny:

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Originally posted by TUDOR

My wife doesn't cook, not big on cleaning (we have a maid), and the sex is certainly not as frequent as I would like, and we have yet to have any kids and I make twice the money she does. Do I feel like by getting married I gained something despite all the things I'm not getting....sure I do. I did the single thing and I had a lot of fun. But at the end of the day all the hype about being single fell short compared to what being in committed relationship did for me.


Do I think marriage is for every guy, absolutely not. Marriage for some is like having kids for others...it isn't a one size fits all gig that every guy should do. All I know is that by myself I am not half the man that my wife helps me to be. She is my motivation, my strength, my shoulder, my cheering section, my listener, my everything! So ya I would venture to say that I gained something by getting married. :bunny:



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Originally posted by TUDOR

My wife doesn't cook, not big on cleaning (we have a maid), and the sex is certainly not as frequent as I would like, and we have yet to have any kids and I make twice the money she does. Do I feel like by getting married I gained something despite all the things I'm not getting....sure I do. I did the single thing and I had a lot of fun. But at the end of the day all the hype about being single fell short compared to what being in committed relationship did for me.


Do I think marriage is for every guy, absolutely not. Marriage for some is like having kids for others...it isn't a one size fits all gig that every guy should do. All I know is that by myself I am not half the man that my wife helps me to be. She is my motivation, my strength, my shoulder, my cheering section, my listener, my everything! So ya I would venture to say that I gained something by getting married. :bunny:


TUDOR, you've become my favorite guy on LS! :D


That's beautiful and while you may have certain areas that could be better, you've proven that their are good marriages out there who still have that feeling.

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Originally posted by Opium

That's beautiful and while you may have certain areas that could be better, you've proven that their are good marriages out there who still have that feeling.

yes OPIUM, we'll revisit TUDORs marriage in 10 or 15 years and see what's going on then :)

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Originally posted by Merin





Right back at ya Merin! :love:



Originally posted by Opium



TUDOR, you've become my favorite guy on LS! :D


That's beautiful and while you may have certain areas that could be better, you've proven that their are good marriages out there who still have that feeling.


Thanks Opium! I am far from perfect and I would not say my marriage is either by any stretch of the imagination. Yes I have not been married for near the time many other's out there have but what I do know is that we are both ready to endure what come or may. We all learn an grow from life till the day we die and I am just happy that I have found a partner that is growing in the same direction as myself and allows me to be myself and loves me for that person I am and will be!


Marriage's do go bad, people grow apart and relationships can also last a life time but no matter what, every one of them offers something to gain because you grow from all of them in one way or the other no matter the out come! So yes, some may look at marriage and wonder what there is to gain but every risk has a reward/gain attached to it and you can't win the lottery if you don't play!

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Originally posted by alphamale

yes OPIUM, we'll revisit TUDORs marriage in 10 or 15 years and see what's going on then :)


Your table for one is ready....


Damn Alpha.. we both know not every marraige/relationship works out and while thats sucky it isn't the RULE for everyone.

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I totally agree with EVERYthing merin and new_wife have said, and some of the other posters too


also, I'm not sure what more tanbark's OP was asking for.....I mean, we're addressing all of the emotional benefits of marriage, but it seems as if he was looking for something more concrete.


Women get a ring, money, etc etc.....and if he's asking what tangible things a MAN gets from getting married, I have to admit that I cant think of any.....besides someone that might/might not cook, clean, take care of children, etc.....


hmmmm, I guess men dont really get anything tangible. But they DO get someone who will be there with him and for him through everything, support him by taking care of things, respect and admire that he provides for everyone, share more intimacy and love than any other person, etc etc


so tan, were you asking about more concrete things??

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Originally posted by alphamale

yes OPIUM, we'll revisit TUDORs marriage in 10 or 15 years and see what's going on then :)

Even so, ten or 15 years from now, when they're still together, you won't admit that you were wrong.


I don't expect you to understand, but there comes a point in a good marriage where life would be unbearable without your spouse........I'm happy to say that I'm well past that point, and I would hope TUDOR will be soon as well.

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Originally posted by alphamale

yes OPIUM, we'll revisit TUDORs marriage in 10 or 15 years and see what's going on then :)


Alpha, you have issues, sorry :p


In 10 or 15 years hopefully they are still strong with maybe 2 or 3 children watching them grow and have a whole different respect for life because he has a family. That's special and no one night stand can over come!

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Alpha, I love your posts and always appreciate the true male in them but I'm just curious did your previous marriage end on such a bad note that you see no reason to go there again? I was divorced before too and I too told myself I was done with that! But no matter how many women I dated, how many times I got laid, partied, relished in my freedom....it never fulfilled me in the way being married does.


So do you think you always want to be single or just being the AlphaMale we all you know you to be?

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Originally posted by TUDOR

So do you think you always want to be single or just being the AlphaMale we all you know you to be?

man, it must be rip on alpha day or something. i'm gettin corn-holed left and right :laugh:


I am sorta anti-marriage right now since I really don't want kids anymore. I like my independence and privacy but if the right woman came along I may consider marriage but until that happens I'm going to have fun, fun, fun :)


But yes, I do feel that marriage is an instituion that benefits females more than men.

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