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In the Shuffle


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I am trying to figure something out. I have been dating this woman for a little over three months. Things have been great. She has a daughter and I am fine with that. As a matter of fact her daughter and I get along great.


I get the feeling though that I am spending way too much time with her. I still do things with my friends, like ride our Harley's, and check out live music. She understands that I have things to do just like her and that she loves spending time with me. I am letting a few things that I used to do fall by the wayside. Like playing my guitar. As a matter of fact I don't think I have picked it up in like three weeks.


I have noticed that I have been spending so much time over there because it seems like I live there. This can't be good. My job isn't in jeopardy or anything. I'm wondering if I back off could I jeopardize the relationship.

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Just one suggestion: don't forget yr guitar, play for her! write songs for her if u can ... it's really cool to get that from guys =)


Have fun.

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This sounds like a great start. But too much of something can be bad for you. If you're feeling that you're spending too much time with her, you probably are. One or both of you may end up getting bored.


As much as you two like each other, try to make more time for yourself. Don't let go of your hobbies. Find time to play the guitar as well as other activities you enjoy doing. Get her to also stay involved in her hobbies as well.


It's only been 3 months so you don't want things moving too quickly. It shouldn't jeopardize your relationship. You may even want to sit down and tell her how you feel also. I'm sure she'll be understanding about it and will probably agree with you. But most of all, don't make plans with her some evenings. Instead, catch up on the things you've let slide. In the long run, you'll be very happy that you did.

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