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Bf met a woman in a hotel room behind my back

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Hi everyone. I just wanted to give you an update.


So in the end he admitted that they had sex. I think the other girl only confessed to her bf because she realised that my partner wasn't going to give her want she wanted (basically my place) and was probably trying to save her own skin. It hurts me to know that he intentionally went out of his way to sleep with her, even bought condoms and everything and still had the cheek to text me when he was with her saying much he loved me!


After a month of trying to fix what happened I ended up quitting my job and moving to a different city. There was a lot of talk about him "changing" but he clearly didn't mean any of it. He had managed to twist everything to be my fault. If I hadn't done x,y,z then he wouldn't of cheated etc. In the end he wanted to end the relationship too. If I'm honest it hurts a lot and personally I don't think he will ever change (I think he will forever cheat on every girl he is with) but that it not my concern anymore. I need time to heal and move on.


Thanks for all your advice.


The guy followed the script right from chapter 4 of the cheaters handbook,



Denial, Minimising, Blaming.


Probably in that order too.


Just be happy he showed you who he was. Sure it hurts, but the alternative of not knowing what a putz he was and then have years or decades invested in this fool only to find this out years later would have been far more devastating!


I was reading a story on another site about a guy who discovered by sheer accident that his wife of 22 years had a 9 year affair. Then the wife's affair partner was killed in an auto accident and she went another 9 years of marriage going through therapy on how to take it to her grave when he discovered it.


Imagine finding out on a whim that almost 2 decades of your life were a total lie?


Yeah you dodged a bullet. Grieve for a bit but you'll be fine. Just think about the poor woman that has to put up with that guy in the future, and you'll be glad you are done with him..

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Hi everyone. I just wanted to give you an update.


So in the end he admitted that they had sex. I think the other girl only confessed to her bf because she realised that my partner wasn't going to give her want she wanted (basically my place) and was probably trying to save her own skin. It hurts me to know that he intentionally went out of his way to sleep with her, even bought condoms and everything and still had the cheek to text me when he was with her saying much he loved me!


After a month of trying to fix what happened I ended up quitting my job and moving to a different city. There was a lot of talk about him "changing" but he clearly didn't mean any of it. He had managed to twist everything to be my fault. If I hadn't done x,y,z then he wouldn't of cheated etc. In the end he wanted to end the relationship too. If I'm honest it hurts a lot and personally I don't think he will ever change (I think he will forever cheat on every girl he is with) but that it not my concern anymore. I need time to heal and move on.


Thanks for all your advice.

Good on you! I wish you well in your new life in your new city.

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No remorse. He's sorry he got caught, but he'll try it again because he'll believe he won't next time.

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