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Friends Became More ... Left G/F, Sleeping with New Girl, Second Thoughts?

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Hi I need some advice...


I have been in a relationship for 5 years. My partner and I do not live together. We have had our ups and downs, like everyone. About a year ago, I met someone who quickly became a friend. I started to feel more and more for her and we have an emotional attachment to each other.


I felt so strongly for her that I decided to break up with my partner, which I did. In the days after it has become obvious that there is a lot there with the other girl and we have slept together. She thinks seriously about us and I "think" I do too.


A week on and the ex thinks we are on a break and wants me back. I still have strong feelings for her (love her...) but am not sure if I am "in love" with her. I think that's how I feel for the "new" girl.


Not sure if it's just second thoughts about what I have left, or if I am making a mistake.


Thoughts? Thanks.

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I am going to be really harsh (sorry.) What you need to do is go on a break from both girls, all girls at the moment, for at least two weeks. Don't tell them why, just say you need to really think about what you want, or say you are going on holiday (you could actually go.) Within this break you need to think about what it is you want from life, and from your partner, then which girl can give you this.

Put both women in your mind at the very beginning of the relationship, who is the one for you? You may feel 'in love' with this new girl but as time proceeds you may begin to feel the same way you do about you the girl you are on a break from. Relationships are difficult whatever stage they are at, you need your own time to really dicipher how you feel. Good luck, Luv Samantha x

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