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God is funny

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Did you ever speak to the Lord and get an answer. people will tell me its hogwash but this morning I had a serious chat (like i do every other day. I said, "God, if i should get rid of this business (i hate it and have threatened to) let me walk outside and find a penny face up. That'll be my sign. Sure enough, it happened.

Then I took it one step further. I said, "God, if EW and I will ever get back together give me a sign within 100 steps in this parking lot. I stopped at step #100, finding nothing up til then. At step 100 I stopped and looked down. There was a colorful 1 inch piece of paper on the asphalt. I picked it up and peered at it. There, pictured, were 2 M & M's in an embrace.

Is God funny or am i just NUTS???? lol

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You asked "within 100 steps" ... Now if the 100th step is out of bounds, then u'r out of luck.


If it's within, then the embracing m&m's could be her and another man, or you and another woman.


But I thought the penny thing was cool.

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Originally posted by digger


Is God funny or am i just NUTS???? lol


I vote for 'nuts' ;)


God doesn't bargain - humans have the capacity to see only what we want to see (good or bad) and credit it to others so as to not take responsibility ourselves.

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I wouldnt say your nuts...its possible that God did send you signs, and then its possible that you were seeing what you wanted to see..but i lean on the side of could have been a sign...take for instance this..


"I am a gambler *sighs*..and i am in college (19), so i just got new credit cards and bank accounts (when i was 18)...well bein a gambler, i ran them up..not too high..dont wanna be in debt, but i ran them up within the limits i could pay them off..so i finally quit like two weeks ago..and started paying them down and whanot..I prayed to God, confessed my sins, asked for forgivness of greed and gluttony,etc...asked him to help me overcome this gamblin habit i had and once i got my stuff paid down, id have my act together and not go down that wicked path again,id be able to help my moms pay for college (didnt qualify for F-A, so we have to pay out of pocket for my schoolin),etc...Amen

So i am sittin at home oneday,and decide that i wanna bake my boys some goodies and send carepackages off to them (have two ex's that are in the army)..So i go out to walmart and everything is good, everything is goin fine, i go to the canned food aisle, and i go to get some applesauce, and something said look down..i do..and what do i find...i find close to $850...gave it to my moms cause she'd know what to do and the proper steps in handlin that type of bizz.....so up til today, we got to keep the money..and mommy is going to pay off a class with that money, and i am able to pay off my credit cards..."


is that God's way of accepting my apology and knowing that when i did pay off those cards id be close to dead broke..(did the math and realized id have only five bucks left to my name for the next 4months)..so he helped me out and knew i would stop gambling? or am i nuts...My moms say he doesnt always come when you call, but he comes right on time..and that folks..is the absolute truth

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I think signs are not a sign from God. He doesn't need to give signs to convey something to you.

I have had God speak to me. Not with a voice but he spoke to my mind.


Am I nuts? No.


It was real.

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I talked to god last week while searching my soul and asking for some help.


I think we ask for signs and then always search for them and read them in our favor, because most humans are hopeful.

But I agree with Jayhawks, I realy think god talks to our minds, not by visual effects.

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With many of the signs I have received I didn't realize what they were until they were right in front of me.


One example was when I was waiting for the airport shuttle at a hotel, a cab driver came up and asked if I'd like to take a cab. I decided why not and when I got to the airport, he carried my bags in and said God Bless You.


I went to the counter and realized that if I had waited for the shuttle I would have missed the flight. I had the wrong time in my head and had to run down the tarmac to get on the plane!

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Yeah...I remember about a month ago I was stupid enough to actually beleive my wife was telling me the truth about not seeing this guy anymore.


Then I got a strange "feeling" to open up one of her credit card statements. Sure enough I found transactions in the city he lives in, and times she said she was elsewhere...


I know God led me to do this, I just felt it, to show me the truth.


The Lord works in mysterious ways...thanks God!

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