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Girls, Girls, Woman...

Slick Rick.

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Slick Rick.

I'm a little baffled. There is a young woman, lets call her M, she's in her young to mid twenties, who I have recently become interested in. But the only time I really have seen her or talked to her, was when she has been working.


But the story goes something like this. I spoke to her a few times, one night, she seemed interested, did shots with me, etc. The next time, she brushed me off. But a friend of hers and a friend of mine said she probably likes me. Well, she brushed me off again and again. I tried to talk to her, but she just ignored me or walked away without saying anything.


Well, the other night, this girl (M) brushed me off again, and later on that night i hooked up with some other girl, lets call her Other, right in front of THE GIRL i was interested in (M). I didn't mean to, it just happened.


Well, after the girl i hooked up with (OTHER)left, the GIRL I WAS interested in(M), who works at the club, gave me an evil glare the rest of the night. And when me and my friend were waiting to order drinks, the GIRL i was interested in(M), looked at me, gave me an evil glare and walked on by. She didn't wait on us for 2 more hours. And then the place closed.


I am confused and bothered. Because, why would she be so mad if she kept brushing me off and didn't like me?


Should i talk to this GIRL i was interested in (M) or chalk it up that i blew it or i don't know what to think at this point.


Slick Rick.

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I really don't think you blew it at all. This girl M was acting pretty immature. You showed an interest in her by talking to her. Remember, SHE was the one who ignored you and kept walking away without saying anything. She was the one that brushed you off.


Any normal and mature person would take this as a sign that she wasn't interested in you. So M's the one that blew it.


There was nothing wrong with you hooking up with another girl in front of her. M wasn't your girlfriend. She acted like she didn't even like you. So she has no right getting upset at you! She's just being immature by giving you evil looks. She was playing games with you by making you chase after her. And seeing you talking to another girl made her jealous. So she must've liked you.


But you can find a girl that's mature enough to show her interest to you by being nice to you, not ignoring you and giving you dirty looks.


You don't owe her an apology or anything. But if you're still interested in her, what you can do is go up to her and say hello to her every now and then. If she likes you, that'll give her a chance to say something to you. Otherwise, don't pay too much attention to her. The more you act like you're not pressed for her, the more she'll end up liking you.

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