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Getting Her Back!

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Hey everyone. I was going out with a girl for about 2 months after I've known her for about a year. She knew I liked her, but didn't want to cost our friendship by taking it further. After a little while, we began hanging out a real lot and we decided, ahh, what the heck! So, we started going out.


Everything was great and we couldn't have been happier. We would do the most caring things for each other and we didn't get into one argument or anything. She had the coolest personality, liking to do everything I did. we hung out like anyone in a relationship would and did what anyone in a relationship would do.


But, about 2 weeks ago, she went to Hawaii for vacation. Right before she left, we were perfectly fine and we said our goodbyes and how much we would miss each other for the 2 weeks. She called me as soon as she got there and I told her to have fun and not worry about talking to me all that much ... to just have fun and if she wanted to talk, only when she had free {time}. So, she called like, every other day, either right when she woke up or when she was about to go to bed and we talked.


When she came home yesterday, she called me and we had a nice conversation until I had to leave. I asked her to hang out and she said she had to clean and she was really tired cause she didn't get to sleep on the flight at all. So, with myself being very tired, I said alright, I'll talk to you later on then. Later on, when I was lying down in bed, I received a text message from her saying, "I don't think I can be with you anymore. I just have too much going on and I can't handle being with someone. I'm sorry."


And me, worried that something was wrong, I called her and asked her if she wanted to talk. So, we talked for a bit and she told me how she has too much pressure on her right now and she just didn't want to hurt me. But if anything clears up there will always be another chance. After she said that, I just asked her to leave and go inside cause I couldn't talk. I had nothing to say after that.


I went to my best friend for advice and he said to just talk to her and make sure everything's ok. So, we talked all night and I asked her to go for a walk so we can talk about things, but she said she couldn't go out because she was busy. So, I trust her on it and we just talk for a little longer. After she leaves, I try talking to her best friend to maybe find out what's wrong.


The next morning, she told me that she didn't like it when I was drunk and she felt crowded by me and her friends thought she was changing. So, I told her to just call me when she has time and not to let me mess up her schedule, but when she does have time, we could maybe take our walk then and have a little chat.


If anyone can please help me out, I just want to keep her. I'm not a very good experienced man. I've only been in 2 relationships, so anything is something to me. I just wanna know why it came out of nowhere and why she wouldn't try talking to me first. She just brought it up out of nowhere. any help will be appreciated. Thanks a lot.

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The drunk thing is a big deal.


Theres not much you can do but leave her alone and talk to someone about your drinking.

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