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My friend and I...

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OK I went to high school with this girl, but we didnt know each other at that time, but now, a few years later, we started working together, we would always sit next to each other, she'd take me out to lunch, and we'd hang out after work and whatnot, and as time went one I started to have feelings for her, but I kept it hidden. She would also drunk dial me and make lots of comments about having sex with me but that she shouldnt because she didnt want me to get weirded out and stop talking to her. But she ended up calling me one night (sober) to ask if I wanted to come over and have sex, which I did, so we did. It was great but I still tried not to let it show that I liked her on more than a physical level, well she came over while I was having a party and we pretty just stayed with each other, kissing and talking and whatnot, and my roomates and friends kept acting stupid and making googly comments( they know that I have feeling for her) so after she left she started txting me, heres our convo:


HER: So did I pass the roomate test?


ME: Yeah, they're all still talking about how cool you are.


HER: So how much have you told them about me huh?


ME: I just told them u were cool and whatnot, u worried I said something bad?


HER: No but it sounds as thou u like me more than ur letting on.


ME: Maybe...I try not to be obvious. But to be honest I do like u more than I allow myself to let on.


HER: OK, may I ask why?


ME: Lol because ur great, we get along so well, u like good music, u laugh at my lame jokes, theres SO much to list. And I hope I'm not saying too much.


HER: No its fine, I just dont know how to reply to your stunning confession, I'm flattered.


ME: I was trying not to let it be known I liked u because I figured we were just friends and I didnt want to F up our friendship.


HER: I guess that all changed the night I invited you over huh? Oh well, lets not let a little thing like some really fun sex get in the way of our friendship.


ME: Just a friendship?


HER: No, maybe more


ME: Well I have no regrets


HER: Me either. Lol but I'm not sure of the status of whatever because of the casual dating thing I do, but I do like you and I ALWAYS have fun when I'm with you.


ME: Well then I think the best thing to do is not to worry about it and just lets things happen the way they do.


HER: I concur


So I'm trying my best to keep my head together. She called me up the day before yesturday when I was home sick and asked if she could come over and we just stayed in each others arms, and we kissed alot, but this time it felt like there was more behind the kissing, it was more passionate, and she kept looking at me in "that way".

But still any other time like if were talking on the phone, or were at work she acts like nothing ever happened. She did explain to me today that her roomate has a real problem with her dating people from work, so shes wanting to keep it on the down low from her roomate for now.


Any comments/suggestions/advice?

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hmm, did you have any specifics questions regarding this? I feel like I could make comments but I don't know where you stand.


Sounds like she likes you, but she likes to keep things casual (or maybe even just friends w/ benefits). You like her romantically, but apparently are satisfied being just friends too (honestly, this I don't buy, but that's another discussion).


So, provided you can handle being intimate friends and or "dating" or whatever she wants to consider it, then go all the way! If you are looking for something very serious, committment, longer-term, then you need to play it safe and start discussing it, because it does not yet appear like that is what she wants (at least at the moment, things could change).

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Well things are moving along very nicelly, I remember the other night she came over and we made love and when she left I was kissing her goodbye and joking about how long it was taking, then I was like "OK, Bye" and turned around like I was about to leave and she grabbed my arm and pulled me back in for some more kissing, and she was telling me last night how she couldnt sleep and that she wish I was with her because she sleeps better in my arms (shes outta town right now). Things are going really well and theres no pressure, its so great!

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