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To $$$

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For $$$, Some people think women of today go into marriage already thinking about about its failure,being ready for the divorce.For example:one wants separate bank a/c as his $$$$ isn't her $$$$. They thought that it would a very unhealthy attitude because of kind of trust and it's usually a set up for a fall


Is this true or false? What do you think for that?

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I think with available statistics being what they are, it is pretty realistic to enter into a relationship or marriage being unsure of its ultimate destiny.


But no matter, the success of most marriages are highly dependent on cash flow. Marriages where there is good cash flow, the bills stay paid, there is a decent home, good cars, vacations, etc., have a lot better chance for success and longevity than those mired in bills, credit card debt, and poverty.


Most woman are looking for a secure environment for raising their children. Companionship is equal or even secondary.


I don't think anyone sets up a marriage for failure. But if good sense is not used going into it, there are many factors than can force it in that direction. As unromantic as it may sound, love gets a tremendous amount of help from a solid bank account and good cash flow.

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